Intoduction To The Gang

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Lord Death and I walked through
the city with Stein and Spirit trailing not far behind us. As soon as I had exited the Death room, I went back to being silent. And I remained that way in until we stopped at a very large and very symmetrical manor. The sight was  beautiful. I let out a "wow" and stare at the place in awe. I've never seen anything so big!

We walked up to the door and Lord Death knocked. Strange, if his son lives here can't he just enter? A girl with long, dirty blonde hair answered the door. A look of surprise made its way onto her face when see saw Lord Death.

"Lord Death! Come in. What are you doing here?" She said, closing the door behind Stein after we entered.

We were standing around the foyer which was also perfectly symmetrical. With twin staircases leading down from the upstairs, on both sides of the room. A few doors were around leading to others rooms and where one door was one one side, it was in the exact same spot on the opposite side of the building. Same with the decorations. I guess these people think symmetry is everything.

"I have a new student here with out a home. She's isn't comfortable with staying at the academy and this was the first place I could think of. I hope you guys would be okay with that. Now where's Kid?" Lord Death said, interrupting my gawking of the manor.

"He and Patty when to the mall with the gang. They should be back in an hour or two"

"Why did they leave you here?" Stein said.

"I didn't want to go. I had to clean before Kid had a heart attack."

"We'll I need to go. Her name is ____ . Spirit shall stay here with you until Kid returns. When he does, tell him to call me. Come on Stein." Once they left I felt uncomfortable again. I was stuck in a room with a pervert and a stranger. Great.

"You can come sit down I was just about to watch tv. I'm Liz by the way." The blonde girl said as she sat down on a black leather couch. Liz seemed nice so I decided to sit next to her. "Are there any shows you prefer?" I shook my head. I wouldn't know what to watch. I've never even seen tv.

"Are you hungry?" I again shook my head but my stomach betrayed me by growling unnecessarily loud. Liz chuckled and left the room then came back a few minutes later with a pack of crackers, yogurt and a spoon. "Here. Eat this. I can't cook but we did have these snacks already." I took the food from her and ate while we watched tv.

I don't know when but I started to doze of awhile after I ate and woke up to Spirit yelling. To be honest I completely forgot he was here. He had quieted down and stopped being all perverted.

"My baby girl is here!!!" I heard as he ran out the door. I looked over at Liz.

"His daughter is a friend of ours so that must mean they are all back. Don't worry they are all nice I promise. Well with the possible exception of BlackStar." Liz said as people started to walk in. Blackstar?

"I HEARD SOMEONE SUMMONING THE GREAT AND ALL POWER FULL BLACK STAR!!!" I heard the front door slam open, foot steps running closer to Liz and I, then some blue hair kid jumped into the living room and made eye contacted with me. "WAS IT YOU PEASANT?!" He pointed at me. Peasant? Who you calling a peasant smurf head?

"Be quiet Black star no one wants to hear your rambling." Another boy murmured while walking into the room with his hands in his pockets. He had white hair, deep red eyes, and scary pointy teeth. They kind of reminded me of shark teeth....

"NO ONE SPEAKS TO THE GOD THAT WAY!! YOU SHALL BE PU-" The egomaniac stooped mid sentence and fell to the floor. I looked up to see a girl with a book in her hand and Spirit hugging her. Putting two and two together, I believe she hit Blackstar with the book, knocking him out. I noticed her large, green eyes were full of annoyance. She pushed Spirit away and fixed her dusty blonde pigtails.

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