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I woke up to Paul shaking everybody to get them awake "RISE AND SHINE WE GOT A BIG DAY TODAY" he yelled, "nhhhhg" I stuffed my face in my pillow, Peter started to get out of bed and pack his things, we all went to the changing room and got ready, I tried not to look but when Peter took off his shirt I blushed very hard, his body was so slim and he had abs. I noticed this before but I just got to appreciate it now. Peter looked me in the eye and I quickly turned around.

"Hey Ace can you help me with my makeup!?" Peter yelled out to me. "Coming!" I walked over to him and grabbed a makeup brush. I went in with a dark green around his brown eyes. "Is that all you need?" I asked "mhm, thanks!" He reassured me. I went back to doing my makeup and the sooner you know it we are on stage..

I was playing "I was made for loving you" when I quickly glanced back at Peter, who was playing like there was no tomorrow. He looked so happy. The way his hands moved so quickly..I admired him from afar. I swiftly got back to playing the guitar. When we ended I sat on a bench backstage, Peter sat beside me and took a swig of water. Suddenly he started to fall asleep, leaving his head on my shoulder. Paul came up to me. "What's going on here?" "He's so tired from playing the drums.." I looked at him and brushed his hair behind his ears. "He just fell asleep" I chuckled "well we're leaving in 15 minutes so let's get moving." He gave me a smile and walked away. I felt like I actually couldn't move, it would be illegal!

We needed to get in the car and I didn't know what to do so I scooped up Peter and carried him into the car, whilst I was carrying him he started purring. It's a very cute habit of his. After we got in the car he woke up. "Huh? Where are we?" He asked, confused "hah were in the car, dumbass!" I said. He laughed. We got back to the hotel and I passed out on the bed. Peter laid beside me and we both fell asleep.

Time skip
-6:00 am-

It was two hours before our plane left. I woke up and towed my suitcase to our car. It was a 45 minute drive but it felt like hours. We finally arrived at the airport. My seat was next to Paul.  I sat at the window seat. The plane started to take off and if I'm being honest I hated planes. I was listening to music on my cassette player when Paul tapped my shoulder.

"Hey ace can I ask you something?" I was confused but responded "sure" "do you by any chance like anyone? Like romantically." "Well, I have my eye on someone..Why curly?" "Well I'm asking because it looks like your showing interest in someone and it's quite obvious." I paused, did he know that I liked Peter? The only one who knew was my brother.. "Really? Who do you think I like?" I said with a sarcastic tone "You like Peter, don't you?" My face turned completely red and Paul smirked. "I..I guess I do..How did you know?"  "Well it's obvious. And you looked jealous of Gene and Peter when we got to our hotel." I didn't say anything. I just decided to ignore him. But i couldn't stop thinking..what if Paul told Gene and Gene told Peter?? I would die..

(A/N I just had the urge to add this photo idk)

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(A/N I just had the urge to add this photo idk)

Young and Beautiful (Ace Frehley x Peter Criss)Where stories live. Discover now