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Peters POV:

'I CANT BELIVE I JUST CALLED ACE "my love" WHY DID I DO THAT!!' i tried to play it cool but it was so weird!! Yes, i love him and i have since the start of the band but i feel like 'my love' is abit too far.. Ace interrupted my train of thoughts by kissing me, this time it was longer, it felt warm.. i loved it, I put my hand on his cheek and stroked his hair, sure, Aces hair was damaged from the dye and what not but it was still comforting,

After we puled away it was really awkward, I felt the urge to say something but I couldn't bring myself to. "So..what does this make us now..?" Ace questioned, breaking the awkward silence we drowned in, he did have a point, what does this make us now..? I guess I will let Ace decide..."Whatever you want us to be" i responded in a calm tone. He gave a warm smile. "Well..could we be a couple?" I paused for a second, Couple...? I mean I wouldn't mind.. "Yes, sure, but we can't announce it to the public, most of our fans wouldn't be...supportive..." He blushed and looked away "Yea, of course!" He stated, his accent as thick as ever.

I grabbed his cheek and leaned in, he leaned in aswell, as we were about to kiss the hospital curtain slid open, it was Gene and Paul, they both just stood there for a couple seconds with a confused expression, "O-OH...are we interrupting something...?" Paul questioned, looking around to try and avoid eye contact, one thing I noticed is that Gene didn't say anything, when he saw me and Ace in our current position he looked... sad? Almost like he was in disbelief that we were in a relationship. Was he jealous of me and Ace? Does me?

If I think about it it does make sense.. the way he automatically offered to sleep with me in the hotel... the way he always gave Ace the stink eye whenever we hung out.. geez I feel stupid for not realizing earlier...I never looked at him that way..
"Oh n-no not at all, curly!" Ace responded, "Really? Cause it looked like you and Peter where about to kiss-" "NOPE! He was just checking if I had something on my cheek!" "Alright...?"

Everything around me was just muffled, I couldn't quite make out what they were saying, my vision started to go blurry, ace looked over at me and realized what was going on. "Hey.. Peter! Are you okay?" Ace asked, looking worried, after that my head started pounding, I felt really shitty, suddenly I blacked out.

"What's going on?"

(Authors note: I am SOSOSO SORRY that I haven't posted in so long, I lost my phone and then I switched to ao3 and then I didn't have the motivation to write, if you have a suggestion for the next chapter please don't be shy to comment!! -Elise)

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