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                                 (Aces POV)

I sat in the waiting room biting my nails, i couldn't stop thinking about Peter, 'is he gonna be okay?! I should have protected him! Damn it!' I couldn't stop my mind from wondering, I stood up and started pacing back and forth, "Ace, I'm sure Peter will be fine." Paul said, in effort to try and calm me down. "But what if he's not ok? What if he dies without me getting to say goodbye?! What if-" "Ace!" Paul interrupted, "I promise you, he's gonna be ok." Paul exclaimed, "I- ok.."

It has been more than 3 hours that we've been waiting and my anxiety has never been worse. "It has been 3 HOURS" I yelled. "I know Ace..try and be patient" Gene blabbered. "I wasn't asking you" I said in a sullen tone. After a second, I realized what I just said, I let my anger get the best of me. "Oh my god Gene I'm sorry I didn't mean that I'm just-" "It's okay, I get it." He said, I don't know why I was being so mean to everybody. Their just trying to help. Ugh.. i was about to go to the bathroom when I saw something, a female nurse coming out of his room, I froze.

"He'a going to be fine, the bullet didn't shoot his internal organs. Just the side of his body."

"Can we go visit him?!" Paul asked. "If you'd like, but please be gentle." Those words were all I needed. I ran into the room and saw him, he was sitting up straight in his bed wearing a hospital gown. He looked beautiful. I ran to him as fast as could. In those moments i let my body control me. I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. I could feel eyes on me but I didn't care. After a couple seconds I pulled away and looked at him. I saw his face, he was shocked. "Oh my god I'm sorry I didn't-" I was interrupted by Peter kissing me on my lips, I kissed back passionately. I pulled away, not wanting this moment to end. "Peter I'm so glad your ok!!" He just chuckled. "Me too, Ace." He responded in a weak voice. "C-can I kiss you again?" I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear what I just said. "Of love." What did he just call me?! 'My love' ?! My thoughts were stopped by Peter kissing me, it was so magical, he was so magical.. I'm so happy that he is in my life..

I love him..

Young and Beautiful (Ace Frehley x Peter Criss)Where stories live. Discover now