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(A/n: this chapters gonna be a      rollercoaster 🤭)

                          (Peter's POV)

We had another concert for our wold tour, this time we were performing in Japan. Everything was going normal, Gene was having stage fright, Ace was tuning his guitar, Paul was practicing, and I was drinking a soda. We began to set stuff up and reviewed the lyrics.

I've been to Japan before. It's a beautiful county, but, I get second hand embarrassment when Gene tries to speak Japanese to a local. He has the heaviest English accent so it just sounds like he's mocking the language. '10 minutes till showtime' I thought to myself.

*on stage*

"YOU WANTED THE BEST. YOU GOT THE BEST!" The iconic line paul always said before concerts. Paul gave us a look that said 'time to start playing' we all followed his orders and started playing as usual. "Get up! Everybody's got to move their feet..." The song ended and it was time for us to play Shout It Out Loud, one of the fans favourite songs. "Alright everybody! The next song we will be playing tonight is...SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!!" We were in the middle of playing when everyone except the band went silent.


We heard that loud bang and the fans were screaming, not the usual: 'I love you I'm your biggest fan!' Scream, a: 'help' type of scream. We all stopped playing. I got off my drum kit and on stage. "Is everyone ok?" Paul yelled with his microphone. Then I immediately knew what was happening.

A shooter

We did nothing but worry, I mean, there was nothing we can do. Just then I felt a sharp pain in my side. I can't remember anything after that instant. All I can remember is Ace hovering over me. Yelling my name. I screamed, it hurt so bad. But before I knew it I passed out. I tried to open my eyes but it was all blurry. The next thing I know I'm in a very white room. I think I'm in a hospital? I vaguely remember. All I know is that I'm in pain. Alot of pain.

(Sorry this chapter was so short. I have no ideas 💀 anyways go follow my tiktok acc :branc3.real

Young and Beautiful (Ace Frehley x Peter Criss)Where stories live. Discover now