1 - Crossed Paths

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A/N: Your outfit above)

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A/N: Your outfit above)

Galuna Island...

A woman sat staring at the sky, star's littered like city lights twinkling as diamonds which was stuck to the dark navy-blue sky.

[Y/N]'s eyes had a glint of sadness in them as she remembers the event's which set the scene to her current situation and path, 10 years ago when she was 9 years old her village was destroyed by a creation from the book of Zeref, [Y/N] barely made it out alive that day unlike her parents and brother which didn't.

Now she's 19 years old and somehow found herself roped into some revenge plan for Deliora which all the victims of said beast had come up with, the leaders name is Lyon and he claims that he can defeat Deliora if a ceremony called Moon Drip is formed to melt the ice that incased the monster, once she heard about this plan her first thought was 'these guys are nuts' but once she met them and heard their story's she agreed to help.

?)"I knew I'd find you here."

Glancing over her shoulder her eye's met with Lyon's dark blue one's as he came over and took a seat next to her, looking back out to the ocean but now with a small smile on her face just knowing that her best friend was always there when she needed him, [Y/N] and Lyon first met a year before and from that day onwards they've been worked on a plan to defeat Deliora.

"Is it time already?"

Lyon)"Yh, it seems some wizards have come to disrupt our plans."

"Is that so?"

Glancing from the corner of her eye at Lyon before getting up and brushing off the dust from the ground as Lyon also got up too, grabbing her clock she put it on then grabbed the silver helmet which was placed on a rock and gave it to Lyon which he thanked her for before the two started to make their way to the ritual sit of the Moon Drip ceremony to meet up with the others, once there [Y/N] stood next to Lyon with her hood up and stayed quite.

Gray scolds Lyon for his actions, and they argue. Lyon's subordinate's part on his orders and that's when the pink haired fire wizard tried to follow them, but Lyon uses his magic on him. [Y/N] stuck back sat on a rock completely unbothered as she watched Lyon talk with his master's other student while Gray orders Happy to grab Lucy and leave, meanwhile, Gray kicks Natsu down the mountain, in order to remove him from Lyon's range of Magic. They argue over Ur's legacy, Lyon unmasks himself and shuts Gray up by saying that he was the one who killed Ur.

While Lyon and Grey fought [Y/N]'s eyes followed the dark-haired teens movements as she saw something familiar or rather a familiar feeling whenever she looked at him, then she noticed his necklace and she realized that he was her little brother, Grey Fullbuster. Gritting her jaw and looking away while closing her eyes not wanting to see her best friend and brother fight, by the end of their fight [Y/N]'s managed to make her lip bleed as Lyon grabbed her arm then dragged her along behind him already knowing what she realized. 

"Did you know?"

Her voice was low, barely even audible but he still managed to hear what she asked. With a sigh Lyon explained that he did know Grey and that they were both trained by Ur in Ice magic, hearing that her brother was trained by Ur and all the childhood memories that Lyon had told her about made her at least the slightest bit relieved that he was taken care of before he made the stupid decision to confront Deliora that resulted in Ur using Iced shell.

Once they made it to where Deliora was kept under the temple [Y/N] tugged her arm out of Lyons grip and walked over to a bolder then took a seat too in her head from the fact Grey was alive all this time and she didn't think once to go try to find him, her head was now filled with "What if's" slowly started to drown her mind, at some point without thinking she followed Lyon to another room in the temple.

Toby, [Y/N] and Lyon was in his improvised throne room discussing his plan to defeat Fairy Tail when Zalty enters the room, he announces the arrival of Erza and also the fact that the ritual must end tonight. When Lyon claims he will not be defeated, Zalty also, informs he will fight. While they talk, fire explodes from the floor and Natsu is shown to have tilted the ruins. This way it prevents the light from hitting Deliora, Natsu comes up and fights Lyon until they are interrupted by Zalty.

Lyon expresses conviction on the fact that the boy is no problem, leaves the pinkette to the older man as Lyon then announces his plan of defeating Deliora, which would be the only way to defeat Ur. Natsu asks him why he doesn't just fight Ur, to which Lyon responds that Ur is dead, because of Gray. Natsu says he doesn't care of the past, but what he cares about are the people who will suffer because of him, and says that he will open Lyon's eyes, with his flames.

All while this was happening [Y/N]'s snapped out of her overthinking mind and realized the situation at hand as the room was covered in ice while Lyon & the fire wizard fought one another, all of a sudden, she couldn't hold back her emotions and stepped into the fight with black markings creeping up the left side of her body.

Glaring down the pinkette in front of her the room started to shake from her magical power accumulating before the shaking stopped, throwing off her cloak to the side she unsheathed her daggers.

"I'm starting to get rather pissed with all the interruptions! Deliora needs to die by our hands, and I don't care if I have to fight you or my brother, I will make sure that Deliora is destroyed!"

The ground under her feet crumbled from the pressure when she launched herself towards Natsu daggers out and now covered with ice which made them serval inches longer, the fight began. Attack after attack. Dodge after block. That was until Grey entered the fold and interrupted the fight calling Lyons name but stopped frozen in his tracks once he saw [Y/N]'s face stunned that she was still alive all this time and she never once came looking for him.

Standing up straight out of her fighting position it was clear from her body language she was confident but also happy that her brother now knew she was alive, Lyon glanced between the two siblings not happy that the truth had finally been released to Greys knowledge of his sister because now anything could happen; and he didn't want to see which side she'll take.   

"Hi Grey, you've grown so much."

《Slayer Of All Kinds》- Fairy Tail - Lyon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now