2 - To The Next Adventure

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Standing up straight out of her fighting position it was clear from her body language she was confident but also happy that her brother now knew she was alive, Lyon glanced between the two siblings not happy that the truth had finally been released to Greys knowledge of his sister because now anything could happen; and he didn't want to see which side she'll take.

"Hi Grey, you've grown so much."


[Y/N]'s pov-

I had mixed emotions about this situation because I really wanted Deliora to feel the rath of its victim's but also make sure that Grey doesn't come to any harm in the process, glancing over to Lyon I could see the glint in his eyes which told me everything, he didn't want me to side with Grey and his friends; he didn't want to lose me. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath before calmly letting it out snapping my eyes open, they glowed fiercely with an emotion I didn't thing I was able to feel, an instinct to protect.

"I'm sorry Lyon, I'm out."

I stated boldly as I turned to face Lyon, his face twisted with emotions, but the two most prominent ones were Betrayal and shock. My jaw clenched as I knew he'll feel this way but it's for his own good that I stepped back out of the situation and deep down he knew it too but didn't want to admit it, my grip loosened on my daggers then they slipped from my hands and clanking on the floor before I turned around then started to walk away from my best friend.

Lyon)"[Y/N]! Don't you dare walk away from me! You want the same thing we all do!"

"Yes, I want Deliora to dead as much maybe even more than you Lyon. But I'm not going to put my brother in harm's way and through that kind of trauma again!"

Spinning on my heel to glare at Lyon the pressure around me started to intensify glowing an intense white colour and I could see the look on his face because knew how powerful I was, especially when I'm angry, taking a slight step back but when a hand was placed on my shoulder making me glance to see Grey there with a look in his eyes.

With a beath I calmed down making the pressure around me go back to normal and with a nod I left the two to themselves, I knew I had to stop the moon drip ceremony, so I made my way up to the top of the temple but along the way it started to shake and a loud screeching roar reverberated throughout the island. I knew that sound, it was unmistakable, Deliora was revived! Gritting my teeth I took off at a sprint towards where Deliora was being kept already knowing what I must do to save everyone on the island, defeat Deliora.

Along the way I ran into Grey, not literally but ya know what I mean, we kept running until we made it to Deliora. Grey and I was now facing Deliora and Natsu claiming he wants to kill it; I looked over to see Lyon crawling on the floor announcing that he will kill Deliora. I watched him stand up but Gray knocks him out, I rushed over to Lyon to make sure he was okay considering he was beat up really back from his and Greys fright. When I looked back up, I saw that Gray stupidly decided to resort to Iced Shell, but thankfully Natsu walks in front of him and proclaims that he will fight it.

When Deliora attacks Natsu he punches back with his fiery fists, his power is great and Deliora crumbles to pieces. Lyon explained that Deliora's destruction wasn't because of him but Ur's ice had been slowly dissipating Deliora's life force and what they saw were Deliora's final moments. Finally, the monster which haunts my nightmares was destroyed. Natsu compliments Gray on his teacher while he cries in gratitude and longing for Ur. Ur is revealed to still be alive as part of the world's ocean, looking after her apprentices and wanting them to get along.

We all were outside now and Natsu, Happy and Lucy celebrate that they have completed their first S-Class request, but Erza interrupts and reminds them that the request was not to destroy Deliora; it was to destroy the moon. They now need to cure the villagers but have no idea how. Gray asks Lyon and me but we both had no clue. 

Lyon tells them that has been here on the island for nearly three years and in that time, not a single villager has approached them. He also calls attention to the fact that he and his team have been under the same light for the same time, but they have no deformity. Erza then explains the other survivors' ideas and history, and partially forgives them. Gray stands back to talk to Lyon and suggests that he join a guild, which Lyon brushes off as pointless.

Grey)"[Y/N], I'm glad your alive and your always welcome at Fairy Tail"

Grey glanced at me where I was sat next to Lyon with a small smile on his face which I returned as I spoke about how sorry that I never looked for him, Grey only explained that he forgave me and that it was partially Lyon's fault as he knows Grey was alive, but Lyon only said to not bring him into the convocation with an annoyed look on his face which made me laugh alittle.

"I'll take you up that offer about visiting soon, k?"

Grey)"I'm already looking forward to it."

Once Grey left, I got up then helped Lyon up also then we both went in search of the others which we found rather quickly, Sherry, Toby and Yuka all wanted to go and apologize to the villagers so they left as I was bandaging Lyon up because of his wounds from his fights. I hand mixed emotions about what I should do next as I had spent a year of my life on avenging my parents after all, maybe I'll travel around a bit then give the guild life a try, I'm sure that will give me some exciting adventures.

The morning came quicker than I thought, and I watched my brother along with his friends sail away from the island greatful that he was alive, at least I hand one family member still around for me if I ever needed them. Once we all made it back to the mainland I bit Sherry, Yuka and Toby goodbye and luck with whatever they were going to do next; then there was Lyon.

A smile slipped onto my lips, but it was a sad one as I already knew he had made up his mind about what hes going to do next which was take my brothers words about joining a guild seriously, without a word I wrapped my arms around his neck trying not to let it show that I was upset about his decision because I knew this would be a good thing for him.

Pulling away from him I told him that I'll keep in touch and for him to let me know where he ends up, with a small smile on his face he placed a kiss on my forehead before reassuring me that well see each other sooner or later down the line which made me smile alittle more happily before I set off on my own adventures.

《Slayer Of All Kinds》- Fairy Tail - Lyon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now