4 pt2 - Secrets & Lamia Scale

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I entered the guild once again only to be stopped by team Natsu in my way with an expecting look on all their faces about what happened this morning between me and Gajeel, another sigh left my lips as I signaled for them to follow me over to our usual table where we all take a seat then I explain everything.

Me and Gajeel crossed paths 2 years ago in the town that Phantom use to be located in and I asked him about his magic, he obviously was guarded at first but once I showed that I wasn't a threat he answered all my questions but somehow his master found out about my magic and he forced Gajeel to bring me to him, we fought and I managed to beat him then I got the hell out of there.

Lucy)"That's understandable, actually, what magic do you use? It's almost like you can use multiple types of magic"

I knew this would come up at some point.

I thought to myself alittle nervous about explaining my magic to them because it was forgotten dark magic but the thing that makes me even more anxious was their reactions, looking anywhere but at any of their faces a nervous sweat started to break out alittle on my forehead, I started fidgeting with my hands while glancing around the guild and as my body is now on hyper alert my eyesight can pick up the littlest details.

Grey)"Hey you okay sis? You look alittle pale, do you have a temperature?"

"I-I'm fine"

Erza)"It looks like Lucy's question has made you nervous, why is that?"

I'm fucked!

Was my first thought and my nerves had gotten to me so I abruptly stood up then quickly walked out the guild with them following which made me panic more, panic attacks, they often happen but never have I had one because of the mere thought of telling my brother and his friends about my magic.

Soon I found myself leaning against the big tree in Magnolia park barely able to catch my breath just wishing that Lyon was here, he always knew what to do whenever this happened and how to solve itwithin seconds and it was now that I truly realised how much I missed my best friend, collapsing to my knees everything around me started to blur as my hearing began to ring.

Then the feeling of arm's wrapping around me made my breath hitch as I was brought to someone's chest, tears streaming down my cheeks without merciless care, gripping the shirt of whoever was attempting to calm me down I could feel the ever familiar feeling of my chest tightening restricting my breathing like an ever tightening elastic band; it was suffocating.

All of a sudden it felt like I could breath again, the elastic band had be cut around my chest letting crisp air into my lungs, soon afterwards one by one my other senses slowly cleared up and I was able to see that it was Grey that managed to calm me down.

Relaxing a small blush seeped across my cheeks alittle bit embarrassed that my new friends and my brother had seen me in this state, looking down at my hands my eyes flicked over to the bracelet which Lyon made for me was the added amount of comfort I needed, a small smile graced my face remembering when he gave it to me his face was all red from embarrassment as he didn't know how to make a bracelet but he tried.



"That's my magic, it's called Slayer. It's a forgotten type if dark magic. I self taught myself when I was younger, it allows me to take on any type of Demon, God or Dragon slayer magic, that's why my left side had those designs whenever I use my magic it shows what type of magic I'm using. Sorry I got all worked up about telling you guys, I only just found Grey and I didn't want to loose him"

Erza)"I've heard of this type of magic but never thought it was real, let alone anyone mastering it; your magic is very powerful [Y/N]"

"I know and I promise I'll never use it for bad, I never had those intentions anyway, I learnt it to help me find my family and now I have"

Looking over to Grey gaving him a smile that he returned before he reassured me that he didn't care what magic I used more so on me being alive and here now, this made me sigh in relief but then my conversation I had with Lyon earlier came back to me so I told them all that I was moving on with my travels in 2 day's time, they all was alittle sad that I leaving but glad I even cane in the first place and I reassured them I'll come back again to visit all the time.

2 Day's Later...

A/N: Your outfit above)

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A/N: Your outfit above)

It was the day I was leaving Magnolia. Standing at the train station I was saying my goodbyes to my new friends and my brother promising to keep in touch by communication lacrima, with one last hug from Grey I got onto the train just before it left the station and found a seat by a window to watch the scenery go by, after a long 2 hour train ride I finally made it to the town which Lamia Scale was located in and waiting at the train station platform was Sherry along with the other's.

A big grin was spread across my face when I saw them and quickly grabbed my bags then bolted out of the door towards them, once I got to them I dropped my bags then hugged each of them so happy to see them all again and I could tell they've all changed alittle since the last time we saw each other a few months ago; Lyon was the one which had changed the most, he's changed for the better and I can tell by his attitude.

"It's wonderful to see all of you again, although it has been only a few months it felt like year's. Now! Show me around town and this guild of your, what do you say?"

Yuka)"I agree. Your going to like Lamia Scale [Y/N], you'll want to join"

"I'll be the judge of that"

I teased with a playful grin as I picked up my bags then putting my rucksack on my shoulder then my other duffle in my right hand but Lyon took that from me with a smile, thanking him we all started our track into town chatting about what we've all been up too as they showed me around town then to their guild hall where I met most of there guild mate's, their master was a older woman that loves to spin people so they warned me not to work her up too much.

Lamia Scale was a wonderful guild and I'm glad they found a place they belong, looking around the guild hall it reminds me of fairy tail in dome ways but a very dialled down copy of said guild, maybe this was the guild for me I won't know if I don't stay for a while now will I?

《Slayer Of All Kinds》- Fairy Tail - Lyon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now