3 - Homeward bound!

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A/N: Your Outfit above)

It's been a month or two since the whole Galuna Island thing and I've been traveling around Fiore just taking in the sights & Citys, over my time traveling around Fiore I heard gossip about Fairy Tail and Phantoms "little" fight between the two guilds which resulted in Phantom being disbanded.

Another thing that Fairy Tail was involved in, well Greys group of friends anyway, was involved in the Tower of Heaven incident, hearing all this made me think it's time to finally go and see my brother.

And Lyon? Now that's a whole other thing. We keep in touch by lacrima and I've went to visit twice along my travels whenever I was in the town that his guild was located, he joined Lamia Scale with Yuka, Sherry and Toby which I was glad they still have each other to rely on if needed to but I really miss them all at times.

I sometimes find myself think about what they could be doing or what fun they were getting up too, especially a particular Ice-make wizard with pastel white-blue hair, at times I find my thoughts drifting to him and I can't quiet figure out why; maybe I miss him more than I thought?

Soon enough the "Welcome to Magnolia" sign came into view so I picked up my pace as I shifted the strap of my bag on my shoulder alittle excited to see Grey again, it didn't take long to find the guild as it was the second biggest building in the small town, now stood outside of Fary Tail a small bit of dread wormed its way into my heart that my brother even wants to seem me again after everything which happened on Galuna Island.

Before I could second guess myself the guild doors flung open and a table came hurdling at me, my instincts kicked in and within a split-second red marking covered my left side of my body and my fists was covered in fire then burnt the table to ashes within seconds, this caught the attention of the whole guild.

Now having all these eye's on me was rather nerve wracking but once I heard the familiar voice of Grey call my name my eye's glanced in that direction to see my brother as he let go of Natsu alittle stunned by my arrival, a playful smirk slipped onto my face as I placed a hand on my hip while the red markings disappeared from my skin but I wasn't expecting to me nocked over my a furball with wing's which sent me to the floor.

Sitting up alittle as I propped myself up on my elbows I was met with a familiar blue cat that was snuggling into my chest which made me blush alittle before a tic mark appeared on my forehead when I realised which this cat was doing, my right eye twitch in irritation but before I could do anything Happy was pulled off me thanks to my brother as he scolded the cat, getting back on my feet I dusted myself off then went to grab my bag but someone else had beat me too it.

Looking to see who it was that picked up my bag I came face to face with a handsome fello with long black hair but his face didn't look pleased that my bag had hit him in the head, grabbing my bag from his hand then tugging it out of his grip too wrapped up in my head because of what that stupid cat did completely unaware that I gave him an irritated glare before walking back to Grey.

"Hey, sorry for the unexpected visit, you did say that I could come visit anytime"

Grey)"Yh I remember, glad you finally came to visit. So? How have you been the last month or two?"

A big grin was spread across my face when he asked about how I've been and what I've been up too, we went over to a table so we could catch up properly about what each other had been through since Deliora destroyed our village.

Grey told me all about his time in Fairy Tail and the time he spent learning Ice-make magic from Ur, I just lent my chin on my palm with a smile on my face while I listened to him chatter on and on about everything he wanted to tell me, occasionally he would tell me a funny story from his childhood that made me laugh and it stories like those that made me less guilty that I never thought about even checking if he was really dead or alive.

I sighed as I thought how selfish it was to even feel the littlest bit less guilty for not trying to find him and my once happy mood now plummet to regret along with other negative emotions as I looked at the table instead of Grey while he talked, I guess he noticed my conflicted feelings that swarmed my [E/C] eyes because he grabbed my hand as he reassured me that I wasn't to blame for not knowing he was alive and that we both should be greatful that we have each other now, that made me feel alittle better and relieve that he didn't blame me for not looking for him.

So, I told him everything. From the fact I barely made it out alive the day Deliora destroyed our village and that I spent the next few months wondering around until I stumbled across a town that I stayed in for the next 4 years while I self-taught myself my magic thanks to books in the library in town, after that I spent the next 5 years doing odd jobs and traveling around, that was until I met Lyon and joined his cause to defeat Deliora.

Now we've caught up about what's been going on in each other's lives over the last 10 years I feel close to my brother, closer than we were while we were kids before Deliora, it felt amazing to sit here and laugh with him again like nothing happen. I finally felt like ....

I was home... 

《Slayer Of All Kinds》- Fairy Tail - Lyon x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now