Jeju Island

41 9 6

[At Meeting]

Tae - Good morning everyone. Nabi-shi what star group's are upto? Are they ready with new song?

Nabi - Yes sir, here you go.

[Nabi played the song]

Tae - Mmm... it's good.....feels so relieved and new. You guys done a great job good good keep it up ok.

Star members - Thank you sir...

Tae - Ok, so now we need to start the shoot for this song.....what shall we do ah?......mmmm ok done, let's go, let's go to Jeju Island ok

Nabi & members - Yes sir.

Tae - Nabi-shi make everything ready and we will be going on monday ok?

Nabi - Sure sir.

Tae - Good, that's all for today.

[On monday morning]

Tae - Did everyone came?

Nabi - Sir one min, Jaewook-shi need to come.....ahhh why is he being this late.

Tae - Shit.....ok let's wait.

[Jaewook arrived and everyone saw him and got shocked]

Nabi - wait why are you dressed like this jaewook-shi?

Tae & star members - Hahhaha.....

[Jaewook dressed as if he's going for a picnic, like he wears an printed shirt , trousers and an hat]

[Jaewook dressed as if he's going for a picnic, like he wears an printed shirt , trousers and an hat]

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Jae - Why? Is it odd....but everyone goes to Jeju Island like this i came....

Nabi - Hahaha (awkward smile)
Jaewook-shi, we are going to work there.... not for a picnic.

Jae - I know....but still.....

Tae - Ahhh it's ok, let's leave now. Hop in.

[Everyone went to Jeju Island in car]

Star members - Wohhhhh...the sooooo fresh.

Tae -'s so's been a long time i have been here.....wohhh

Seo - Hi everyone, how are you all doing?

Star members - Yes sir, we are fine.

Seo - Nabi-shi? How are you?

Tae - Yah one min, are you even asking me? No wait how do you know her?

Seo - Ahhh you too forgot that night?mmm and next day we met in a don't need to introduce.

Tae - Ohhh ahhhh ok ok...then fine good.

[Seo and Nabi were talking with eachother.....there goes our taesung gets so jelous by seeing them]

Tae - Ok now, let's head into our rooms, get rest, tomorrow let's start the shooting.

Seo - Sir, videographers will arrive shortly, so will guide them their rooms and come.

Tae - Ok.

[Nabi at beach sit's alone and Singh's seeing the moon]

[Nabi at beach sit's alone and Singh's seeing the moon]

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Tae - Nabi-shi?

Nabi - Yes sir, how many I help you?

Tae - Haha nothing nothing, be yourself, relax now sit.

Nabi - Yes, thank you sir.

[Tae and Nabi watching moon and drinking beer]

Tae - Mm mm mm (clear's throat) Today the moon is pretty right?

Nabi - pretty and even the beach is so calm and peace. It's like the moon is like mom who makes everyone and everything peace and calm.

Tae - Mmmm.

Nabi - I miss my mom and dad....

Tae - Why? Aren't they with you?

Nabi - (smiles in pain)

Tae - Omo, I'm sorry.

Nabi - Its ok, unfortunately they died in a accident....we were so young at that time....mmmm

Tae - Ohhh....don't worry....

[For a moment they went silent]

Tae - One min, you said "we" do you have sibling?

Nabi -, younger brother YuBabi.

Tae - Ohhh, nice.

[Both had some beer and went to sleep]

......will be continued

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