My poor, sick baby ♥️ Scarlett

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Spelling a sneeze is hard man. But I loved writing this, and I hope you love reading!


Scarlett sniffles miserably into your shoulder as she sits on the bathroom counter with you stood in between her legs. The poor thing was suffering from a pretty heavy cold, one of the worst she'd had since you had gotten together nearly three years ago. This was only day two of the sneezes, coughs, and sniffles, and you knew she was absolutely sorrowful.

No medicine had really helped, so you'd resorted to standing in the bathroom with the shower running on the hottest setting possible in an attempt to clear up her congestion. It hadn't worked.

The blonde was adorned in nothing but a pair of shorts, her top half bare with your last futile attempt at getting her fever down. You suddenly feel her chest begin to hitch against your own, and you pout softly as you trail your hand up and down her back.

"Huh'htsch!" She attempts to stifle a sneeze into your shoulder.

You press a kiss to her bare shoulder, "Bless you, baby."

Scarlett groans softly as her chest hitches again, and you instinctively cup the back of her head to stop her from hurting her neck. "H'htschoo! Huh'tsschoo!"

"Bless you." You repeat. "I don't think this is helping my love." You murmur, and Scarlett nods in a silent, miserable agreement as she sniffles wetly against your shoulder.

With ten more futile minutes pass with no change, you deem your attempt unsuccessful.

"Okay, let's go back to bed," you murmur, reaching sideways to turn of the shower water before placing your hands beneath her thighs and lifting her into your arms. Scarlett unsuccessfully manages to stifle three wet sneezes against your shoulder as you carry her through to the bedroom, and you sigh lightly as you set her down onto the bed before placing a gentle kiss to her scolding hot forehead.

Scarlett looks up at you with red, teary bloodshot eyes and flushed cheeks, and you smile sympathetically as you kneel down before her.

"What can I do baby?" You murmur, reaching up to tuck a sweaty strand of hair behind her ear. Your free hand remained on her thigh, tracing soothing circles against the soft skin.

Scarlett sniffles softly as her bottom lip trembles, and your heart breaks for her. "I know baby," you murmur, reaching up to cup her cheeks, "it's time for more medicine, okay? Then after that we'll take a nap."

"Downstairs?" Her hoarse voice speaks, sounding cracked and painful, and though you didn't quite know why she wanted to lay down on the couch as opposed to her large, comfortable bed, you find yourself nodding your agreement.

"Of course." You sooth, reaching over slightly to grab the cough syrup, the box tissues and some Tylenol from the nightstand. Without a word, you grab two tissues from the box and fold them up once before holding them against her nose. If Scarlett seems embarrassed by the implication, she doesn't show it. She simply blows her nose and allows you to wipe away the remaining boogers.

After thoroughly sanitising your hands, you fill the tiny plastic cup with the allotted dose she was allowed to take before placing it against her lips. Her shaky hand rests over your own as she downs the fowl tasting medicine, and you chuckle softly at the slight look of disgust that appears on her face.

"One more baby," you tell her as you hand over the two Tylenol along with a bottle of water, watching with a concerned expression when her face crumples up in pain as she swallows. She attempts to clear her throat, but it only ends up throwing her into the deep end of yet another coughing fit. They were wet sounding, full of gravel, and you watch as Scarlett's eyes finally allow her tears to fall. The stifled sob she emits only worsens the coughing, and you feel your heart break further.

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