Shelter me from the cold ♥️ Flo

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You and Florence are in Switzerland filming for her most recent movie when a stunt gone wrong has Florence falling sick with one of the worst colds in her life.

It had happened so quickly it was almost as though you'd dreamt it. One second, your girlfriend was there. She was stood in front of the camera, script in hand and and her discarded coat in the other. The next, she was gone, a loud splash and a stifled cry of surprise filling telling you just what had occurred.

Thankfully, the water wasn't at all deep, so as quickly  as she'd disappeared she makes a reappearance gasping for air and she wiping her eyes. Your coat was already unzipped and off as you push past the director and crew and all but yank her soaking wet body into your arms. She clings to you tightly, her trembling hands clutching the material of your hoodie as you wrap your coat around her shoulders.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." She rushes to reassure everyone as a blanket was wrapped around her shoulders, and murmurs of relief were quick to fill both your ears. "I just need to change and then I'll be back." She informs the director as he approaches her to see if she was okay, and after squeezing her shoulder, he nods his head and tells her to take as long as she needed.

"You scared the hell out of me." You mutter as you wrap a guiding arm around her waist and pull her towards her trailer.

Florence looks up you, cheeks flushed with cold and bottom lip quivering. "You and me both." She laughs softly, and though you roll your eyes at her nonchalance, you couldn't help but give her one last squeeze before pulling open the trailer door and coaxing her inside.

"Go get a hot shower." You tell her as you close the trailer door behind you. "I'll pick you out some dry clothes."

Florence nods with a smile as she disappears through to the small bathroom area, the distinct sound of the water hitting the tiled floor filling your ears as you rummage through her bag to find her some dry clothes.

Thankfully, today was only a run through of the scene they were shooting, so she wasn't wearing her characters clothes when she'd fallen. Though you supposed it wouldn't have mattered considering they had several sets of each anyway.

With a pair of sweatpants and comfy hoodie in your hands, you make your way over to the bathroom and bring your fist up to knock at the wooden door. A faint come in escapes through the small gap, and you comply, setting the clothes down into counter before coming to stand by the partially open curtain.

Florence was stood facing the shower, arms crossed against her chest as the water falls down her body. If the way the steam slowly filling the room was anything to go by, the water was scolding. That comes as no surprise to you. Whilst you tended to prefer showers on the warmer side, Florence was the complete opposite. The hotter the water, the better.

"I feel like the lake waters seeped into my bones. I'm still so cold." She greets you as she turns her head and gives you a small smile, and you grin slightly as you lean against the wall. Her hair was tied up, so you knew she had no intentions of washing it. It leads you to grab a towel from the heated rail, holding it out ready for when she comes out.

"You're gonna turn into a lobster," you note, and Florence snorts in amusement as she reaches to turn off the water before stepping out. The second her wet body was exposed to the cool air, she begins to tremble, and you were quick to bundle her up into the towel and pull her back into your arms.

You feel Florence's warm breath hit the skin of your neck as she rests her head against your shoulder, and the corners of your lips quirk up into a soft grin as you cup the back of her head and press a kiss to her hair.

"Go get warm, okay? I'll make you some yea." You tell her as you pull her body away from you, giving in to the urge to press a gentle peck to her cute button nose.

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