Everythings gonna be okay (part 2) ♥️ Scarlett

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Three days pass before Scarlett had finally begun to get over her cold. You'd taken care of the entire time, just as you had promised, and other than the sniffles and the occasional itch in the back of her throat, she was somewhat back to her normal self.

You say somewhat, because despite the fact she was feeling better, she still wasn't quite acting like the Scarlett you knew. That reason was pretty self explanatory considering the circumstances, but you couldn't quite find it in yourself to call her out on it because that would be pretty hypocritical of you.

You were treading almost cautious circles around one another, neither one of you wanting to be the one to bring it up first. You knew you'd said you would, but it was easier said than done.

Scarlett was curled up on the couch, bundled up in a thick blanket whilst she watches whatever movie was on the tv, and you had taken up residence on the opposite side, phone in your hand as you scroll aimlessly through your social media. It was obvious that neither one of you could find the words you wanted to say, and it leaves you both in a somewhat awkward silence.

Your eyes, however, would often flicker over to her, just to be sure she was doing okay. And you would sometimes feel her eyes on you too, telling you your silent implication was reciprocated.

It was only as the movie finishes and a commercial begins do you finally find it in you to talk.

"Why'd you do it?" You murmur, locking your phone and setting it down onto your thigh. You hated how meek your voice sounded. It was almost as though you feared her yelling at you all over again.

Scarlett looks over to you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It takes only moments for her facial expression to change into one of understanding, and you watch as she hesitates for only a second before sitting herself up and muting the tv, shifting her body around to face you and letting out a quiet sigh.

"I..." she swallows away the tightness in her throat as her hands absentmindedly twist a loose thread of the blanket around her finger. "I was angry." She could barely bring herself to look at you.

You nod, knowing this. You hadn't been able to forget the look of pure hatred on her face as she'd told you to get the fuck out. It was permanently engraved in your brain, and you were sure it would be for the rest of your life.

On that day, Scarlett had been in a bad mood from the second she'd woken up. You didn't know why, and no matter how many times you'd asked, she'd adamantly refused to tell you. It had left you walking on thin ice around her, keeping to yourself and not saying a word in fear you'd say something to make her snap.

Things weren't exactly picture perfect before this day though. For a month prior, her busy schedule had left you little to no time with each other. You went days without seeing her face, kissing her, touching her, and you guess that was the cherry on the cake that made you reach your breaking point.

"Why?" You ask, unsure eyes flickering up to meet her own. "Why'd you get so...mad at me?" You try to keep your voice as unaccusing as possible.

Scarlett bites her bottom lip softly as she lets out a heavy breath through her nose. "I wasn't mad at you," she shakes her head. It was almost as though she was trying to convince herself her words were true.

"I was never mad at you. I was mad at everything else. My job. My lack of schedule and personal life. I was mad at the world and I just needed someone to blame. You were just...there, in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a shitty thing to do and I regretted it the second it happened. I'm so, so sorry."

You stare at her for a second before letting out a quiet sigh, your eyes flickering down to your lap. You didn't know what to say. You weren't mad at her, at least not anymore. You'd forgiven her almost the second it had happened because deep down you knew she hadn't meant it. She'd just been stressed and overwhelmed and you'd been the closest target.

"I went out in the rain, after you," she continues unsurely when you don't say anything. The trembling voice, however, does not go amiss, and you feel the tears swimming in your own eyes.  "I looked for you, for over an hour, but you were gone. I called too, but..."

"...but I didn't answer." You finish for her, and Scarlett lets out a quiet breath as she nods her head.

"Yeah." She murmurs hoarsely as she sniffles and clears her throat. "I'm so, so, sorry Y/n."

You knowingly nod your head. It takes you a few seconds for you to find your words.

"What we had together in those last few weeks was not at all healthy," you start, trying your best to ignore the way you see Scarlett's bottom lip beginning to quiver in your peripheral vision. You hated seeing her upset, especially when it was you who had caused it.

"You took all of your frustrations out on me, even when it wasn't my fault and I tolerated that for a while because I knew you were upset and I didn't want to add to that. But what you should have done is talk to me, or ask me to give you space. I would gladly have done so without hesitation. We were partners, Scarlett, but you didn't treat me like one.

A single tear streams down her cheek, and as she wipes it away, more fall in its place, "I know. I'm sorry."

"I don't want you to cry," you murmur, scooting closer and cupping her cheek with your hand. You tenderly wipe away the tears with the pad of your thumb, "and I don't want you to be sorry. You've apologised before, and I forgave you. I just wanted to know why."

Scarlett nods as another tear steams down her cheeks. You press a soft kiss to her hairline before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her close. Her body was warm against your own, and you hear yer let out a soft sniffle as her head comes to rest on your chest just beneath your chin. You cup the back your your head, the pad of your thumb grazing over the shell of her ear as her own hand tightly clutches the material or your shirt.

"In the future," you start as you lay your cheek against the top of her head, "in the future, you need to communicate with me. You need to tell me what's going on because I can't read your mind."

"Does that mean..." she tightens her arms around your midsection, and you nod as you press your lips against the top of her head. Before the break up, your relationship had pretty much been picture perfect. You rarely argued, communication was healthy and though you didn't get a lot of time together, the time you did get was cherished and special.

It was only in the last few weeks did that change, so you didn't see why you couldn't try again. You didn't want to waste the two amazing years together all over a argument that could have been prevented.

That would be a stupid move on your part.

Scarlett buries her face into your neck, the tip of her nose cold against your skin. You instinctively tighten your grasp around her body, hand slipping beneath her shirt to rest against the bare skin of her back.

"I love you," you hear her murmur, and you smile tenderly. You didn't think you'd ever hear those words again.

"I love you."


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