Long day ♥️ Scarlett

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You couldn't help but smile softly when you feel a familiar pair of arms settle around your waist, the smell of Scarletts oh so soothing perfume creeping up your nose

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You couldn't help but smile softly when you feel a familiar pair of arms settle around your waist, the smell of Scarletts oh so soothing perfume creeping up your nose. You'd spent the entire day by yourself due to the fact she'd been at the outset office all day. But you didn't mind so much. You'd actually found yourself being quite productive. You'd vacuumed, mopped, stripped the bed, all the while having a dance party with your favourite playlist.

You'd wanted the apartment to look good for tomorrow, because Scarlett had taken the day off and you were planning on having a date day. (You'd be in bed for most of it you were sure, but you still thought it was appropriate to make the effort.)

After turning down the heat on the stir fry you'd spent the last hour cooking, you somewhat awkwardly turn around in her embrace and wrap your own arms around her shoulders.

"Hi baby," she murmurs as she rests her head against your chest, hands creeping up your shirt to rest on the small of your back. You press a tender kiss to her hair before quietly returning the sentiment.

"How was work?" You ask after a few seconds of comfortable silence, feeling the warm breath Scarlett releases through her nose hit the skin of your neck.

"Long," she murmurs, "but productive."

"I'm glad," you smile as you awkwardly reach behind you to take dinner off of the stove. Scarlett whines softly as you attempt to shift her out of your arms, and you roll your eyes fondly as you return your arms around her.

"Why so clingy?" You tease fondly as you rock her side to side.

"When I have my head on your chest, I can hear your heartbeat." She explains herself as you begin to comb your fingers through her short tresses. "It's beautiful." She adds as an afterthought, and you couldn't help but flush slightly at her brutal honesty as you give her warm body a squeeze.

"Someone's tired," you murmur fondly as you finally manage to pull her head away from your chest. You bring your hands up to cup her cheeks before trailing the pads of her thumbs over the soft skin.

Scarlett stares up at you with droopy eyes only furthering your point, and you smile softly as you lean in to place a gentle peck to her nose. She scrunches it up cutely before continuing to talk.

"You have a nice voice too. It's soothing." She continues like she hadn't heard you, "I love everything about you. Your smile. Your eyes. Your legs. Especially your as-" you immediately cut her off by placing your hand over her mouth, and you could feel her smile at the blush you were sure was now covering the entirety of your face.

"Go get into the shower," you laugh slightly as you gently push her away from you, and Scarlett grins sleepily as she finally shrugs off her coat before leaving the room. You distinctly hear the sound of the shower turning on as you begin to dish up dinner, placing both plates down onto the dining table along with a glass of water.

Due to the fact you and Scarlett had showered together this morning and she'd asked you to wash her hair for her, you knew she wouldn't be any longer than a few minutes. And your intuition was correct. No more than ten minutes had passed before Scarlett makes a reappearance adorned in one of your hoodies and a pair of comfortable cotton shorts. She sends you a soft smile as she enters the room, and you of course return it as you pull out a chair for her.

"Thanks baby." She murmurs as she instantly reaches for her water, and you smile as you kiss the top of her head before sitting down yourself.

"You're welcome, my love." 

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