When it rains, it pours

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Collab with GoldenEmpyrean that we posted on tumblr and I thought I'd post on here too! They have the same name on tumblr if you want to go check out more of their work! I highly recommend you do because they're amazing 😩


As the rain battered loudly against the windows, you knew something was wrong

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As the rain battered loudly against the windows, you knew something was wrong. Lizzie had been quiet all evening, barely touching her dinner and avoiding eye contact with you for the whole of your meal despite you trying to engage her in conversation whilst simultaneously trying to figure out what was wrong - because something definitely was.

Then you made your mistake. It was one snide comment. Something so trivial. Any other day she would've smirked and thrown back a witty come back right back towards you...but not this time. 

Instead she suddenly stood up, "No, absolutely not. Fuck this." She hissed, her eyes burning daggers into you as she accidentally over her glass before marching straight towards out of the kitchen and towards the entrance to your home. Without another word, she flung open the main door and stormed out into the pouring rain outside, not bothering to stop and grab her coat before slamming the door closed behind her with a heavy thud.

"What the f-" A loud crack of thunder had interrupted your curse as the bright flash of lightning briefly illuminated the dark sky outside before the already heavy rain began to violently beat down against the windows.

You found yourself cursing again, this time for another reason. Lizzie can't be outside in that weather. There were a million reasons but most of all, it just wasn't safe, especially not when you'd had severe weather warnings all week long. Without a second thought, you rushed to grab your coat and car keys before hurrying outside to go find your wife.

The heavy rain on the windshield of your car obscures your vision despite the window wipers going at full speed. You could barely see two foot in front of you, and you'd lost count of just how many times you've had to quickly slam your foot onto the break to prevent an accident. 

Half an hour had passed since your wife had stormed out of the house, and despite your best efforts, you were no closer to finding her than you were when you'd first started. 

Your concern had now grown to the point of being almost frantic, and despite your best efforts to blink them away, salty tears had begun to steadily stream down your cheeks. 

Where in the heck was she? 

Deciding you'd have better luck on foot, you pull your car off to the side of the road before climbing out. You were almost immediately soaked by the torrential downpour, and your mind instantly drifts back to Lizzie. She'd been out in the rain a lot longer than you had, so you could only imagine what state she'd be in when you find her. 

Almost like God himself had heard your silent prayer, the familiar green of the hoodie she had put on this morning catches your eye from a few hundred years away. Her small figure seemed to be slumped defeatedly beneath a tree, and you blindly grab her coat from the passenger seat before quickly making your way over to her. 

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