Vulnerable ❤️ nat

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Natasha lets out a congested sniffle as she brings her hand up to rub at the tip of her nose in a futile attempt at quelling the persistent itch. She didn't think she'd ever felt so awful before.

Her nose was simultaneously as stuffy as it was dripping with snot. That wasn't even mentioning how sore it was due to how often she was constantly having to blow it. She was feverish; her joints ached and it feels like she was swallowing gravel each time she tries to eat or drink something.

She was sweating through every single item of clothing she owns, and she could barely stand up without feeling as though she was about to pass out.

Natasha didn't even want think about how her hair hadn't been washed in days, sprawled down her back in what was once considered a braid but was now simply one large tangle.

She was frustrated, irritable. And she just wanted everything to stop.

"Huh'htsch!" She doesn't even bother trying to stifle. She'd sneezed so many times today that it was beyond her efforts.

"Bless you baby." You murmur as you make your way back into your shared bedroom, setting down the tray filled with soup, medicine and water onto the nightstand before sitting down and running a gentle hand up and down Natasha's back. "How are you feeling?" You tuck a sweat soaked strand of hair behind her ear.

Natasha just barely shrugs her shoulders as her eyes burn with the familiar sensation of tears.

She wasn't an emotional person. Not as a child, nor now as an adult. Early on she'd learned that being cold and emotionless was one of the only tools you had in this cruel world. Not a single tear had been shed during her time in the red room. Not when she was beaten. Tortured. Not even when they'd taken what was left of her innocence away at just thirteen years of age. She'd remained stoic and unfeeling. A robot. Just as they'd taught her.

It was a title she'd held most of her life. She was often described as rather cold and emotionless by those she chooses to have close to her, and she was okay with that. It made pushing people away easier when the time came for it, because the less people she had in her life, the less there were to betray her.

But with you? Never. In your company, she allows those walls to fall a little. She was safe with you. She trusted you. More than anyone and anything. So when the first of many tears begin to fall down her cheek leaving only a soft tickling sensation in its wake, she doesn't even try to stop it.

"I know," you whisper knowingly as you lean down slightly to press a gentle kiss to flaming hot skin, "I know baby. I'll go run you a cool bath, okay? See if we can get this fever down a little. You can have your soup later."

Natasha simply nods as she sniffles wetly into her pillow, and after making a mental note to change the sheets before you went to bed tonight, you press another kiss to her wet cheek before disappearing through to the en-suite bathroom. Several more coughs and sneezes fill your ears as you make quick work of preparing the bath, and you sigh in defeat as you dry off your hands with a towel.

You wished you could do more for her. Medicine and soup could only do so much before your efforts were in vain.

When the tub was filled about half way with warm water, you head back through to the bedroom to see Natasha just as you had left her. Except now, she appears to be asleep. Soft snores were escaping her slightly parted lips, and you couldn't help but smile softly at the sight as you head over to her and perch yourself at the end of the bed. You run a gentle hand across her back.

"Nat? Your baths ready baby." You attempt to rouse her, and Natasha sighs heavily as she pries her eyes open. She smiles softly at the sight of you, and you couldn't help but mimic it as you slide your arms beneath her back to sit her up.

"Want me to carry you?" You ask as your hand comes to rest on the bare skin of her back from where her shirt had ridden up, keeping your voice as judgment free as possible. Whilst you knew she trusted you, more than she trusted anybody else, she still had her limits and you weren't about to push them.

Natasha could only nod, and you press a gentle kiss to her shoulder as you guide her arms to settle around your shoulders. Once sure she was hanging on, you slip a hand beneath each of her thighs and easily lift her smaller frame up into your arms. Her legs seem to instinctively tighten around you, and you give her behind a few soft pats to reassure her that you had her before making your way through to the bathroom.

Natasha's body seems to protest on its own accord when you attempt to set her down straight away, and you find yourself pausing for only a second before standing back up right and tightening your grip around her. Her legs were in what could only be described as a death grip around your waist, fists tight around the material of your T-shirt.

You knew -for wherever reason, that she was in fight or flight mode right now, and treading carefully was your best option.

"It's okay," you reassure, keeping an arm beneath her to behind to help keep her supported, your free hand tracing gentle circles across the length of her back, "we'll stay right here for as long as you need. You want to know our plans for after your bath?" You ask in hopes it would help distract her, and though it takes a little while, you do eventually feel her nod, silently signalling for you to continue.

"First we're gonna get some soup into your stomach. I made chicken and noodle, your favourite," you give her a soft bounce, glad to feel her lips quirk up into a smile against the skin of your neck. "Then after that I'm afraid it's time for some more medicine." You continue knowingly, and the groan that falls from her lips did not go amiss.

Her legs, however, do loosen slightly around you signalling she was becoming more relaxed.

You smile slightly in amusement. "But..." you add with a playful tilt to your voice, "if you take it with no complaints, I have some ice cream in the freezer that's calling your name."

You weren't beyond bribing your girlfriend when necessary. She was more stubborn than anyone you've ever met before, so if a promise of ice cream was enough to get her to take her medication then so be it. You weren't ashamed, and neither was she.

Natasha remains in your arms for a few moments longer before legs go limp allowing you to set her down, and you do so both gently and reluctantly,
bringing your hands up to cup her flushed cheeks and delicately grazing the pads of your thumbs across the soft skin.

"Kiss." She pleads hoarsely as she clutches at your wrists, and you pout softly as you lean down to press your lips against her own. The kiss was gentle, her lips slightly chapped. It lingers for no more than two seconds before you reluctantly pull away.

"Bath, baby." You remind as you lean forward to place a lingering kiss to her forehead, and Natasha nods with a wet sniffle as she holds up her arms.

Smiling slightly at the silent implication, you gently tug the oversized shirt from her body and toss it into the laundry basket. You then fall to your knees and wait for her nod of consent before easing your fingers into the waistband of her shorts and easing them down her legs along with her underwear.

With an affectionate kiss to her hipbone, you were back on your feet, taking your hands in her own and
helping her unsteady frame into the tub.

She says nothing about the temperature of the water, but you could see by both the look on her face and the goosebumps that litter every inch of her skin that she was less than comfortable. With no hesitation, you find yourself stripping off too, slipping in to the small gap left behind her and circling your arms around her waist.

"I've got you baby." You murmur, "I've got you."

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