I see you, son.

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Chapter 22💌

As Jake and Quaritch began to fight to finish what should've been finished 16 years ago, the rest of the three began trying to find a way off of the ship.

"Jake!" Neytiri yelled.

Before they had a chance to make it to safety, a ring of fire appeared surrounding the boat, trapping them from making it away from the boat.

"It's coming!" Tuk yelled.

"Back to the ship!" Spider yelled.

"Swim!" Nylah'a yelled.

"Stay close!" Neytiri yelled.

Tuk was holding onto Neytiri's hand when a wave of water began to pull her down through one of the open doors on the ship. Neytiri struggled to keep hold of her as she began to slip because of how slippery their hands were. Tuk slipped out of Neytiri's hands, sliding down the door into one of the lower levels.

"Tuk!" Neytiri yelled before not wasting a second before diving in after her.

"Mom!" Kiri yelled.

"Neytiri!" Nylah'a yelled.

"Kiri, Nylah'a, come on, we've gotta go, come on!" Spider yelled pulling Kiri away from the door.

Tuk and Neytiri reached the surface of the water and Neytiri swam to Tuk.

"Tuk!" Neytiri yelled.

The ship began to turn on its side. Spider, Nylah'a and Kiri began to climb up as fast as they could before the ship turned.

"Come on let's go!" Spider yelled.

"Mom!" Tuk yelled as the water was pushing them rapidly.

"Tuk swim, swim!" Neytiri yelled trying to grab ahold of her.

"Climb up!" Neytiri yelled as they tried to get away from the water and find a way out.

The water began to rise.

Quaritch and Jake continued to fight, as the ship was turning, it became much harder but neither of them gave up.

Neytiri and Tuk began slipping, trying to out race the water before it reached them.

"Mom!" Tuk screamed.

"Tuk go go go!" Neytiri yelled as they ran.

"Keep climbing go!" Spider yelled to the girls as they made their way over the ship.

Nylah'a helped lift Kiri up the ship.

"I got you!" Nylah'a yelled.

"Give me your hands!" Spider yelled lifting the girls up.

As the ship began to flip completely, Neytiri and Tuk struggled finding a way out.

"We're rolling over!" Spider yelled. "Go go go!"

The ship had completely flipped over, luckily for Nylah'a, Spider and Kiri they made it to the other side.

Kiri slipped, trying to continue running.

"Kiri come on!" Nylah'a yelled grabbing her arm and helping her up.

Spider grabbed her hand and lifted Kiri up.

On the lower level, Tuk and Neytiri struggled getting away from the water and became trapped when they were unable to open a door that had been shut from the force of the water. They began to panic, unable to find a way out.

Jake and Quaritch who were on the verge of drowning under the ship, gave each other a look before holding their breaths and continuing to fight under the water.

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