Ch 8: Feelings Of Vexation

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The room around me darkened for a moment, blue flames dancing around me within a split second. It was hot but pleasant almost like a warm embrace. I watched the mannequins around me and the moment they started to melt I lost focus. 

''Shit...'' Cursing wouldn't help and soon the dolls disappeared damaged by the fire I started. 

''Let's take a break.'' Hoseok was heard from outside the testing cube. It's the zone Mr. Lee created for me to train in my earlier days, right now it became my regular training ground. They expanded the room and filled it with lots of equipment, it became the main training ground of the agency, and within it a large glass cube to hone my skills.

''Perhaps hellfire is just meant for destruction only,'' Hoseok commented handing me a towel. It is, however, I was convinced I could use it as a form of defense. Being an SCI agent means we aren't allowed to kill the culprits no matter what their crime is. The law is the one to determine their punishment. If we go off killing people it makes us just as bad. When hellfire was first released it was when I was in a weak emotional state after finding Byeol her body. It was destructive but even didn't harm Namgi. The second time was during the attack on our agency 2 years ago. Many people died due to that...many innocents. Hellfire is a perfect skill to use for trapping a large sum of people, especially when we are going to do these operations and invade various organizations. The problem is I thought I would be able to use it without harming others, but it seems that isn't possible.

The reason why Namgi and Jungkook didn't get hurt is probably that I was really aware of their presence and my emotional state made me want to protect them. However, when we are in a large space with various people, I can't possibly be aware of everyone. Neither can I define who is on our side and who isn't. 

Hellfire is something...I shouldn't use anymore. 

''The rookies are coming in soon, we should prepare the schedule.'' I nodded and followed behind him readying the gear in the facility room. As I was polishing the Glocks I started to feel a sense of weakness. Hoseok and Mr. Lee talked to me this morning, now that vampires and shapeshifters are introduced to the world there is a chaos of opinions. That fire will only grow once this witchcraft I possess surfaces. Mr.Lee wants me to minimize the use of my skills during regular operations. The rookies shouldn't find out this secret about me. It will complicate things more in the future.

''How is Jungkook holding up?'' Hoseok lightly bumped my side with a laugh perhaps he noticed the furrowing of my brows as I got swept away by my thoughts.

''Fine.'' My answer wasn't what he expected. It's been 3 days since he stayed at home and I notice that he is keeping a distance from me. Work alone is frustrating but his weird behavior and the lack of communication were adding more to my vexation.

''He is having a check-up today, they will run some tests to see if the drugs have left his system by now,'' I added. It's something that made both Hoseok and I take a moment to think about it. We were both praying for the best. 

We didn't get that much time to think as the room became swarming with new rookie agents all fired up for their training day. I placed the Glock down shooting Hoseok a small smile.

''Good luck.'' 

''You too.'' I waved him off and headed to my station to greet my students for today. There were more girls than I expected it made me smile. Our agency has been growing over the years. After the demolishing of our old company building, we moved to a bigger one. Right now another is under construction which will become the second company under Mr. Lee his name. 

''Good morning I'm special agent Y/F/N, today I'll be in charge of the endurance training.'' Various males gave me some unimpressed gazes. I figured because there wasn't a 5 feet male shaped with muscles like a greek god standing in front of them, but I didn't pay it any mind. Many join agencies like ours with the wrong intent, they just want to experience contact with supernatural beings. Maybe to brag about it or they think it will turn their life into some cool action movie. We have to fish out those rotten apples. This field of work isn't for everyone. They will realize that the moment they come eye to eye with a red eye bloodsucker coming for their neck, or once they see an innocent person slaughtered in front of them, just because you weren't strong enough to help. 

Vampire Servant II (J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now