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You got up at 5 am like you do every day to work your dead-end job at Jack in the Box as a cashier. Taking a second to prepare yourself for Karens and your annoying co-workers you finally get up and shower so you wake up more. You decided to skip breakfast since the cook always lets you sneak some food when you're hungry, getting in your car you can't help but cry. You could have done great things like your father said you would but instead you're working as a cashier for a fast food chain. You really are a failure. You'll never amount to anything, your ex was right. I mean you can barely pay the bills as it is and you're renting a rat-infested apartment. After calming down you pull into the parking lot, the first thing to catch your eye is an expensive-looking car parked in your usual spot. Blowing it off as some rich person craving fast food you park in a different spot and head in. There's cheering and clapping by the register. Confused, you go to check it out, pushing past all the people. You finally see what it is: the red smile, those blue sparkling eyes, his fancy suit and yellow hat. It was Jack Box himself he came to visit your location today. He looked at you and smiled. Your heart started racing. Surely he was looking at someone else and not you, but he got up and stood in front of you.

"Sorry for making you wait so long, I just wanted to entertain the customers first."

He went behind you and pushed you towards the register so you could do your job. You were frozen, he actually touched you. Your palms were sweating, he was so gentle yet firm. Imagine if he held you like that, wait? You couldn't actually be falling in love with him. This was the first time you met the only time you saw him was in his ads though he did seem like the perfect guy in them. Successful, a family man, a loving husband, smart, kind and charming. Maybe you are in love, he is the best after all.

He went to the back to help out with the cooks since he had just released a new burger and they needed to know how to make it right. You watched him walk there as people were demanding you take their orders. You snap back to reality after somebody shoves their coupons in your face. You scan the coupons and continue on with your day. About halfway through your shift, Jack comes to the front to help out with the cashiers. Luckily he took the register beside you and sent your co-worker on break. You could feel your heart fluttering. He actually wanted to work with you instead of your better co-worker who is probably going to get promoted soon. Though it makes sense since you probably need extra training.

"Well hello, Y/N. I'm here to help you be a better cashier because management told me you suck at your job. Who knows, maybe you'll be promoted if you do a better job after this." He smiled softly. You blush and couldn't tell if it was flirting or not. Who knows, he could have just been messing around with you, although, you do suck at your job. You worked with him for a while, but couldn't tell if he was playfully flirting with you or if you were just being an idiot in love. You parted ways at the door he gave you a firm handshake showing that you did a good job. You went home dreadfully since you knew he wasn't going to be there tomorrow and it was going to be the same shitty workplace.

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