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You awoke once again to start your boring routine but before you could a warm smell hit your nose, you opened your eyes and were greeted by Jack standing there holding breakfast.

"Morning sleepy head, if you get up this late it's a wonder how you get to work on time," he chuckled. You looked at the clock and it was 7:15.

"Oh shit I'm gonna be late for work!"

"Don't worry about it I told your manager that were having "extra training together."" He winked, it made you blush, how could you even THINK of cheating on this man with a D Tier clown? He can cook, he can clean, he's funny, a good dad and his makeup doesn't give kids nightmares. "Oh thanks, Jack"

"No problem," he said as he placed the breakfast on your lap. He made you one of his famous loaded breakfast sandwiches with hash browns and a coffee (Only $9.59 at any Jack in the Box near you.) You dug in and it was delicious. It tastes better coming straight from the man himself rather than the crappy restaurant. You devoured it like how he should be devouring you right now.

"I see you enjoyed it," he grinned.

"Well you made it so of course I did," he chuckled at your comment.

"I could drop you off at work today, I have to head straight to the courthouse after though."

"That'd be great!" You had the biggest smile on your face, it was adorable, was one like a kid on Christmas. He chuckled but not in a way that would make you self-conscious. Once you finished your coffee you did the rest of your morning routine while trying not to get in the way of Jack's. Both of you got into his car and were off to work, he seemed a bit off though so you decided to be nosy and ask him what's up.

"You alright?"

"Oh of course its just'

"Just what?"
"There's this event tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to be my plus one, it's just a bunch of rich people having a ball though it's stupid."
Was he asking you out? I mean it was stupid cute to watch him try and do it but is he actually asking you to be his plus one for a fancy event? Oh my god, this is totally a date!
"I'd love to go with you Jack," he blushed, you loved to see this softer side of him, men not scared to show their emotions are so hot. His driver stopped the car to let you get out and you thought to be a bit bold and kiss Jack's cheek before you got out.

"I'll see you after work." He looked like he had a tomato for a head, it was so cute! Once you got out his driver drove off and you went inside. Feeling a bit peckish you went straight to the kitchen even though Jack just fed your fat ass. Your favourite cook Marv was already in the kitchen waiting for you, his actual name was Marvin but everyone called him Marv. He was a nice guy with big dreams he was also the best cook they had and he knew it but he wasn't too cocky about it.

"You hungry Y/N?" He asked looking you up and down.

"A little bit." You replied.

"Coming right up then!" He fired up the grill and started making you your favourite breakfast sandwich, the two of you made it one day while messing around in the kitchen and it was delicious, you even considered asking management to add it to the menu.

"Yknow you look actually happy today it, suits you," he looked at you once again "You should smile more, you got a nice smile."
"You got a nice smile" his words echoed in your head, was he hitting on you? Of course not! why would the writer ever do that I mean this is called Jack Box X Reader, not Marv the Chef X Reader. Whatever it was probably nothing he was just being nice, he's Marv! He's nice to everyone! He finished your sandwich and passed it to you.

"Enjoy it Y/N," He said in the same sweet tone he's always had.

"Thanks, Marv!" You said as you took a bite while heading back out front.

Your day went on as normal except for the two things on your mind, the ball and Marv's words, no no no! You couldn't be thinking of Marv you had a date with Jack tonight and it was gonna be the best date of your goddamn life. 5 O'clock came and Jack's car pulled up outside, you clocked out and said your goodbyes saving your favourite cook for last.

"See ya tomorrow Y/N," He said as he handed you an apple pie from a canceled order, that was your favourite part of the day, getting food from canceled orders.

"Thank you, Marv," You smiled at him and then left, the pie was still fresh almost like he made it just for you, weird. You got in Jack's car excited for tonight it was your first ball after all, but wait! You didn't have anything to wear! What are you gonna do? You're poor! You can't afford nice clothes! Oh, wait.... You're going out with a rich man of course he's bought something for you.

"You ready to go?" Jack said as he turned his head to look at you

"Mhm!" you replied stuffing your face with apple pie. The driver started the car to take you home, tonight was going to be magical

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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