The Cruiserweight Open

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The camera cuts back into the Sports Festival Stadium, where the crowd was pumped up for the next match.

Mauro: We are back live at the Sports Festival Stadium for Night 1 of Wrestlepalooza! If you thought the last two matches were amazing, you haven't seen anything yet!

Nigel: That's correct Mauro, the actions are about to become fast and furious! It's time to find out who will be the inaugural recipient of the returning Cruiserweight Championship!

Inside the ring in the centre in the place of Jeremy Borash, was another member of UA highs Faculty. She was by far one of the more alluring heroes out there. Nemuri Kayama, AKA the Rated-R Hero, Midnight.

Present Mic: And look who's takin’ announcer duty for this one! My fellow faculty member and probably one of the hottest Pro Heroes around, Midnight!

Midnight then began her announcement.

Midnight: Ladies and Gentlemen, are you ready for more excitement?! Prepare yourselves for even more non-stop action, because it's time for tonight's next event… The 10-Person Cruiserweight Open for the LWF Cruiserweight Championship!

The crowd cheered as Midnight threw out her whip.

Midnight: The rules are simple! Our 10 participants will all be stationed outside the ring, and two of them will start the match! Once a contestant is eliminated, the others can enter any time their heart desires! This match will go on until there's one person standing, and whoever it is…*lashes whip to the timekeepers area*... will be crowned the INAUGURAL LWF Cruiserweight Champion!

Near the time keepers area, there was the LWF Cruiserweight Championship on a stand, to be presented to the winner. 

Midnight: Now, without further ado… Let's meet our 10 competitors! *lashes whip to the entranceway* 

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Midnight: Now, without further ado… Let's meet our 10 competitors! *lashes whip to the entranceway* 

Smoke then emitted from the stage, and then…

The Sports Festival Stadium darkened as lighting graphics flashed around the titan tron, and a comet streaked across the LEDs. 

As soon as the comet hit the Entrance stage, Nathan Frazer shot out like a rocket, running halfway out of the entrance ramp, wearing the blue and green version of his ring gear.

Midnight: Introducing first! From the Isle of Jersey in the British Channel, weighing in at 180 pounds… NATHAN FRAZER!!!!

Present Mic: I watched Episode 24, and Nigel, I caught your little comment on Frazer being a hero if he had a quirk, and I gotta say, he definitely would make a great hero here!

LWF PRESENTS: WRESTLEPALOOZA - NIGHT 1Where stories live. Discover now