The Crusts vs. Pretty Cure

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As soon as the Camera cuts back to the Sports Festival Stadium….

Mauro: We are back for more Wrestlepalooza action, and we're starting off by welcoming someone who's gonna make sure nothing gets outta hand!

The crowd cheers as Alex Shelley makes his way out, wearing a customized referee shirt that fits with his ring gear.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome this next contest's special guest enforcer, ALEX SHELLEY!!!

Mauro: Personally selected by Chard to watch over this next match, Alex Shelley, one half of one of the most decorated tag teams in wrestling history, will be scoping at ringside to make sure nothing goes awry between the two contending teams about to come out!

Present Mic: I'm glad he's here to help out, because this match is gonna get pretty nasty in a hurry! Especially since Extreme Rules are in play, even if only one team gets them!

Alex Shelley stands ringside, and brushes his referee shirt.


The crowd cheered, and Pretty Cure made their entrance. 

Nagisa and Honoka took some time to wave to the crowd, before doing their signature pose. As they did, the entrance stage lit up with Red, Blue and White pyro, before making their way to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: And now, this next contest is a tag team match set for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Nagisa Misumi, and Honoka Yukishiro….PRETTY CURE!

Mauro: And here they are! A pair of heroes who have made quite the progress since coming to LWF, and now they're at their first Wrestlepalooza! But tonight, this is a heck of a tall order!

Present Mic: In lame terms, The Crusts basically just screwed Pretty Cure! The Crusts basically have all the advantages! It's like punching a guy who's handcuffed!

Beth: But Mic, you probably already know this, but when it comes to Nagisa and Honoka, advantages or not, they're not gonna back down or give up in a fight! They may not have the best odds, but that won't stop them!

Present Mic: I guess you're right about that, Beth! Us Heroes don't really give up no matter what the odds are, so it's probably gonna be no surprise these two wouldnt shy away from a fight either!

Nagisa and Honoka get in the ring and present themselves to the crowd on opposite turnbuckles.

And then….

To the boos of the crowd, the Crust Cousins make their entrance. 

Tiff was wearing a black sleeved, red and maroon striped shirt along with her typical denim shorts, while Brit was sporting a dark red long sleeved shirt with a necktie that had the UK Flag design on it, and black pants that had a white line running down the side.

LWF PRESENTS: WRESTLEPALOOZA - NIGHT 1Where stories live. Discover now