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Ruby Rose just stepped out of the first aid room, holding an ice pack on the back of her neck. Then, Mirajane Strauss walked up to her.

Mirajane: Ruby, tough loss out there earlier tonight. What's next for you here in LWF now that you can no longer contend for the Wattpad Championship?

Ruby: … I'll figure it out.

And then she just leaves.

The camera then cuts back to the commentary desk where things were set for the next match.

Mauro: Ruby might seem unsure of what is next for her career, but we know what's next now! The Finals of the Adrenaline Rush Tournament! The winner of this match, will be crowned Inaugural LWF Adrenaline Champion! And as this match takes place, Nigel, Beth, and our host Present Mic will be taking a break for this match, so joining me on Commentary, Lucky enough to call all the action as it happens now, is “Lucky 7” Jonah Shwarts!

The camera then zooms out, and there was Jonah, sitting next to Mauro at ringside as he was ready.

Jonah: Heh! Think I'd miss this?! A tournament finale at Wrestlepalooza? I had to be here to do this with you! Let's get set for what should be a showstopper!


To mixed reactions, out came Arthur Watts. He took his time, slowly strutting his way to the ring, befitting a man of his position.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and Gentlemen, this next match, is the Final Round of the LWF: Reborn Adrenaline Rush Tournament! Introducing first! Originally hailing from the Kingdom of Atlas, ARTHUR WATTS!!!

Mauro: His journey to the finals has been nothing short of dominating! He out-skilled everyone he came across, thus becoming our finalist!

Jonah: And how did he get there, some would ask? By making everybody he's faced in the tournament tap out with his endless arsenal of Painful Submission manoeuvres! There's a reason he's been nicknamed the Technical Gentleman!

Arthur enters the ring, and stands in the centre of the ring in a formal stance, looking up at the stage as he awaits his opponent. 


The crowd cheers, and with a sly grin on his face, Arthur slowly backs into a corner. 

Yugi Muto then makes his entrance once the song began to pick up.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, hailing from Domino City, YUGI MUTO!!!

Jonah: Hear that crowd! Feel that energy! That's the only kind of thing you can experience when the King of Games himself walks in! This man is Anime Royalty!

Mauro: Who would've thought that Yugi, who had only entered this tournament to test himself between the ropes, to see how far he could go against some of the best looking to prove himself, would make it to the finals of the tournament? But then again, it's only natural! He has won many tournaments in the past, but they were only for Duel Monsters! Can he have the same kind of success in the squared circle?

LWF PRESENTS: WRESTLEPALOOZA - NIGHT 1Where stories live. Discover now