1. Law School

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Yonsei University, 2020

The lecture hall was quiet. Even the smallest sounds reverberated around the room, and the only things that could be heard were pen on paper and the frantic flipping of pages. Tension was felt throughout the lecture hall as the Yonsei University class of 2020 sat through their final day of the bar exam. It was early enough in the fall where the weather was still beautiful but the lecture hall seemed to have a giant cloud hanging over it. A girl with jet black hair looked up at the clock and briefly smiled before filling out the last question. She got up quietly and walked to the front of the room, handing her final exam to the proctor. As she exited the lecture hall, she let out a huge sigh of relief. Over three years of work in university had led up to this moment and now only time would tell if she'd make it.

Myoui Mina never knew what she wanted to do after college. She chose law because she knew it was hard and she was always up for a challenge. Along with her love of dance, she was constantly finding some way to expand her education. She was naturally gifted and the best in her class every year. It seemed like she was the perfect student, but she had one glaring flaw. She was extremely competitive. With that competitiveness came jealousy. Due to her competitive and jealous nature, Mina gained and lost a lot of friends as she grew up. Her parents pushed her and she pushed herself even harder. The few people she kept close knew to keep their distance when she got a certain look in her eyes, knowing she would make a rash decision that would eventually hurt someone in the end. When she finally made one of the first friends in her life that wasn't terrified of her, she was a freshman at Yonsei University.

| Yonsei University, 2017 |

Mina arrived early to her first class of the day and noticed one other girl in the room. She thought for a moment about whether or not to approach her and decided to go with her gut. She walked down to the front of the room and sat down beside the girl, introducing herself. "Hi. My name's Myoui Mina. Are you also a law major?" Mina shook the other girl's hand and smiled.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Yoo Jeongyeon, and I am."

Jeongyeon was the complete opposite of Mina. She wanted to be in law in some way shape or form since she was a kid. Although she wasn't naturally as smart as many of her classmates, she had an extremely strong work ethic. Due to her parents being in the culinary industry, she had to learn how to take care of herself and help take care of her two siblings. Her parents were always encouraging, but they weren't often around to help at home. Jeongyeon had a very caring and motherly nature, always wanting to help others before she helped herself. She surrounded herself with friends and made sure that she spent as much time getting to know people as she could. Sometimes though, her caring nature caused her to be too trustworthy. She had to cut off many friendships through the course of her life.

Getting into Yonsei University was like a dream come true for Jeongyeon. She worked so hard in high school with countless sleepless nights spent studying with her friends. On her first day at Yonsei, she made sure to get to class early. She sat down in the second row at the front and got her laptop out. As she was making a list of things to do for the day, she noticed someone pull out the chair beside her. She turned to the girl and smiled, immediately entranced by her beauty. The girl had shoulder length black hair and wore a chestnut brown coat. Underneath she had a light blue blouse and dark blue jeans. Jeongyeon felt underdressed in the cream colored button up and black pants she was wearing but greeted this new face with a smile.

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