4. Week Two

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Jeongyeon was two weeks into work and already felt like she had been working at J.Y. Park Law for a year. She never realized just how tired she always was after working as a trainee at YG Firm until she came home late every night from her new job. The fact that it was winter didn't make it any better either. She always went into work when it was dark and didn't leave the office until it was dark. The only sunlight she had seen for the past two weeks was on the weekends when she went out to have lunch with Jihyo or grocery shop. Jeongyeon sighed as she looked out the window. It was another sunny day and she was inside, working on whatever extra work Nayeon had given her.

"I know. Yes. I understand. Well you can always get started without me. Okay I'll see you later tonight." Nayeon turned into the office and sat down in the chair beside Jeongyeon, tossing her phone on the table. "Never get married, Jeongyeon. Especially when you work at a firm like this." Jeongyeon turned to Nayeon and gave her a sympathetic smile, unsure of what she was referring to.

"It seems like you've got your hands full today. I know it's a bit sudden, especially since I've only been working her for two weeks, but if you'd like to get drinks after work today, I'd love to treat you. It is Friday after all." Jeongyeon offered and brightened up a bit when Nayeon nodded and accepted her offer.

"I haven't been out for a drink in a while so I would love to. Is it okay if I bring my wife along? I think I'd get sent to the couch if I came home late and drunk." Nayeon asked shyly and opened the case that they were working on together and pulled out a pen. Although the two had only been in charge of double checking another prosecutor's work on reporting the case history for the past few days, there were five massive cases they had to look through.

"Of course. I'll bring my roommate along as well since I know she'll need something to take her mind off of work." Jeongyeon smiled and took the second half of the case Nayeon was working on and started going through it. Even though it was stressful work, Jeongyeon couldn't imagine herself doing anything else.

The day passed by slowly with lots of coffee, and by the time the two women finished, they had been sitting in the same positions for at least three hours without moving. Nayeon pushed back from the table and got up from her seat, stretching her back and legs out. "아이고 (Oh my gosh). My back and hands almost cramped up from writing for so long." Jeongyeon laughed and agreed, closing the files and putting them away for the weekend.

"I think if I looked at those any longer I'd see the words in my sleep. Mr. Lee does a great job with these histories, but he writes so much." Jeongyeon got up out of her chair and got her things together before walking out of the office and onto the elevator with Nayeon. She leaned against the wall and pulled her phone out, making sure that Jihyo was still up for going out with Nayeon and her wife.

7:45 | Jeongyeon: Don't forget! We're getting drinks with my co-worker and her wife tonight. Happy Friday! ^-^

7:47 | Jihyo: I'm heading towards the bus right now so I'll meet you there!

Jeongyeon put her phone away and made light conversation with Nayeon before the doors opened on the 5th floor. She stepped aside so a few people could get in and immediately noticed a certain person getting on. Why is it always on the elevator? Jeongyeon thought this as she watched Mina get on, typing away on her phone. Nayeon noticed Jeongyeon's discomfort but decided not to ask about it since they weren't close yet.

Since Nayeon had her license, it was a nice change to drive to a location for once instead of taking the bus. The car ride was quiet other than quiet music playing over the radio. The women arrived and Nayeon parked the car close to where the bars were. She got out with Jeongyeon and they got a table, waiting for the other two to arrive.

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