10. Something About Blondes

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| 6:00 pm, 4 hours before the break in |

"Are you sure it's okay that I invite her?" Jihyo had been pacing back and forth between her bedroom and the living room for the past ten minutes as she spoke to Nayeon on the phone. Since she and Jeongyeon had been hanging out with them more frequently, Jihyo and Jeongyeon had gotten the invite to the surprise party that Nayeon was throwing for her wife. Unfortunately, Jeongyeon was stuck at work. "I mean, I already feel weird coming to the party without Jeongyeon." Jihyo stopped pacing to sink into the couch, wishing the plush cushions would give her some sort of comfort.

Nayeon let out a small laugh on the other line and nodded. "Of course. I wouldn't have suggested that you bring Sana if I didn't think she'd have a good time. And you better hurry if you're going to invite her. Chae's going to be home in an hour and I want everyone at this party before then! I'll see you and hopefully the copier soon!" Nayeon hung up before Jiihyo could get another word out, leaving the girl slumped on the couch with her phone still held up to her ear.

A few minutes passed as Jihyo finally got the courage to call Sana and ask her if she wanted to be her plus one. Jihyo got more and more nervous as the phone kept ringing, secretly hoping that Sana wouldn't pick up the phone. They had been talking at work more frequently now and had even gotten lunch together once, but it didn't matter. Jihyo still felt like she was going to turn into a tomato every time she spoke to the woman. Everything about her was breathtaking and she wanted nothing more than to talk to her all day until she fell asleep.

"Hi Jihyo!" Sana cheerily answered the phone, a bit confused when there was a long pause and then a weird noise from Jihyo's end.

Jihyo didn't answer at first, surprised that the woman had actually answered. When she finally realized that someone was speaking to her, all that came out of her mouth was, "Uuuuuuh... W-Uh-H..."

"Are you okay?" Sana laughed nervously and pulled the phone away from her ear for a second, making sure that it wasn't just something wrong with her phone. "I think you may have butt-dialed me or something. That's okay."

Just as she was taking the phone away from her ear again to hang up, some sense was knocked into Jihyo and all at once she blurted out, "Heeeeey Sana I was wondering if you wanted to come to Chaeyoung's surprise birthday party with me totally okay if you don't but you know I thought it'd be fun and I didn't want to go alone but if you already have plans tonight then that's totally okay and it's definitely short notice and we'd have to be there in like 45 minutes so if you're not able to get ready in such a short time that's fine but I think it'd be fun yeah uh yeah."

This had Sana in tears from how hard she was laughing but Jihyo was almost dying from embarrassment. She was face down in the couch, mentally kicking herself for sounding like some high school boy with a huge crush on the popular girl. "I'd love to come to the party with you. I didn't have any plans tonight anyway. I can pick you up in 30 minutes."

Jihyo, Sana, and the other party guests crouched down behind Naeyon and Chaeyoung's couch in the dark, waiting for the guest of honor to come through the door. Sana was about to get up to stretch her legs but heard the sound of keys jingling in front of the door. She subconsciously held her breath as the lock turned and the door started to open.

As Chaeyoung opened the door, the lights flashed on and a group of people jumped out from behind the couch. "Happy birthday!" The small woman let out a yell as she covered her face in embarrassment. She was wrapped in a hug as Nayeon dragged her over to the middle of their living room, singing the birthday song with them.

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