23. Three Little Words

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"Ya! You're supposed to be sitting! Why are you up and moving around like you didn't just get shot?!" Mina groaned as she walked into Jeongyeon's apartment, annoyed that the woman was doing the exact opposite of what the doctor had told her. Jeongyeon looked at Mina with a slightly guilty expression, stopping in her tracks.

"Well maybe I'm magically healed after almost three weeks." Jeongyeon gave Mina a sheepish grin and leaned against the counter, her face slowly morphing into a pained expression.

Mina rolled her eyes and nodded. "Uh huh. And you're magically healed despite the look on your face that's screaming 'I'm actually in pain please help me, Mina.'"

Jeongyeon sighed and held her head down, reaching a hand out so Mina could guide her back to the recliner in the living room. They took their time to make sure no extra pain was caused. Mina kept a strong hold on Jeongyeon's free arm while the other focused on holding and using the cane she was supposed to use only when she absolutely had to get up.

"I can't help it! You don't understand how boring it's been. I feel like I've watched every drama and movie under the sun and all the books I have I've read about a bajillion times." Jeongyeon whined and finally sat down in the chair, looking up at Mina who just had her arms crossed, standing in front of the woman. It was hard going from being such an active person to being a couch potato and Jeongyeon was not taking to it well at all.

Mina eventually knelt down and held Jeongyeon's hand, a sympathetic look slowly coming to her face. She knew that it had to be beyond boring just sitting and doing nothing for the past three weeks but she was worried that Jeongyeon was moving around too much. With the limited medical knowledge she had, she knew that moving wasn't good for healing wounds like hers. "I know. But you could have called me. I could have brought you more books or a video game or something. I know President Park wouldn't mind."

"Yeah but... I felt like if I called you or texted you too much I'd be bothering you. I did start a lot of text messages but I didn't send most of them." Jeongyeon blushed a bit, unable to keep eye contact with Mina at this slightly embarrassing confession.

A lot of text messages was an understatement. Jeongyeon had a whole notes page on her phone solely dedicated to the many drafted and unsent texts she was too scared to send to Mina. It wasn't that she didn't want the woman's help. It's just that she didn't know how to ask for her help. The few weeks Jeongyeon had spent on bed rest gave her enough time to think about her feelings and it was scary. Most of the drafted texts were your usual 'hey how's work? I'm super bored'. A few of them though were more sappy and sweet. One was literally, 'hey i miss you. by the way, did you really mean it when you said you loved me?'

Jeongyeon didn't realize she had been staring off at the wall behind Mina until she waved her hand in front of her face, breaking her out of her concentration.

"Thinking about something you'd like to share, Jeong?" Mina teased the woman and poked her cheek. Even though Mina had been visiting Jeongyeon after work almost every day, she missed seeing her at work. Mina would never admit it (at least not yet) but she missed just being able to be in the same room with Jeongyeon all day. The case caused a ton of problems in their lives and almost killed Jeongyeon but it did allow them a lot of time together. Mina couldn't even count on one hand the amount of late nights at the office they spent together, combing over the same pictures and documents to try and piece the case together.

"I was just-." Jeongyeon let out an awkward cough and shook her head. She wasn't sure she was ready to tackle that conversation with Mina just yet. It had been the only thing in the past few weeks that was actually keeping her mind busy but she still didn't think she had the courage to actually confront her about it. She was a caring and compassionate person, but it was still hard for her to express her feelings. Especially when they involved the beautiful woman sitting in front of her. "Uh what did you do for dinner?"

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