15. Only On Friday

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For the eighth time that day, Mina glanced over at Jeongyeon whose facial expression was anything but pleasant. The woman had barely looked at her and the only thing she had said to her so far was, "Could you please pass me that paper?" It was starting to get on Mina's nerves but she knew that if she tried to push her, she'd just cause her to ignore her even harder. Mina sighed and walked past Jeongyeon, handing Nayeon a file from another case President Park had them working on together.

Despite the obvious tension the three were experiencing, there was no doubt they worked well together. That and the fact that Jeongyeon was still technically in training meant that Nayeon had to supervise her and Mina was roped into it since all of her personal clients' cases were either closed or given to another person on her floor due to the Copy Cat. Nayeon could feel the tension in the room the second she walked into the office that day. She set her briefcase and purse down, looking at each woman sitting at opposite ends of the table before awkwardly sitting in the middle. She started working the second she sat down and hadn't stopped since.

I was almost lunch and Jeongyeon was the first to leave, obviously not wanting anyone to accompany her. As soon as she was out of earshot, Mina groaned and laid her head down on the table. It was cold and made her feel a tiny bit better, but nothing would solve how frustrated she was at the moment. Nayeon just cleared her throat and rolled over to the woman in the chair, awkwardly patting her back. "Anything I can help with?"

Mina just shook her head and turned, her cheek now resting on the table. "I messed up and now I'm back to square one with Jeongyeon." Nayeon raised her eyebrows in obvious confusion, not knowing that the two had even made up. The last Nayeon heard was when she went out with Jeongyeon after that day in court and it was clear that Jeongyeon wanted nothing to do with the other woman. Mina read the confusion on Nayeon's face and briefly explained the situation, obviously leaving out the extremely soul crushing bits of information she was not willing to share with the other woman.

Nayeon opened and closed her mouth, nodding in understanding. "Well why don't you just take her aside and talk to her about it. I'm sure she'd be willing to hear you out." Mina gave her a half-hearted laugh and rolled her eyes, sitting back up in her chair.

"You don't know the Jeongyeon that I do. We're both stubborn in our own ways but she's more stubborn than I am, believe it or not. The last time anyone did anything even remotely like this to her, she didn't even look at them for months. It took me slowly coaxing her to listen to the other person for her to actually sit down and hear them out for five minutes." Mina sighed and closed her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose to relieve some of her stress.

"Maybe Jihyo could help. I know that you don't have the best relationship with her either, but I'm sure she'd be able to convince Jeongyeon to at least sit with you for 30 seconds. It's just a suggestion though and I know you can make your own decisions." Nayeon got up, excusing herself for lunch, leaving Mina alone in the office to think her suggestion over.

Five hours later and Mina found herself nervously standing at Sana's door. She had a hunch that the woman would be there with the other Japanese girl and hoped she was right. She hesitantly knocked, taking a step back. It only took a few seconds before Sana opened the door with a small smile on her face. "Oh hi, Ms. Myoui. What can I help you with?"

"Hi and you can just call me Mina. I was wondering if I could talk to Jihyo if she's here?" Mina politely smiled and Sana nodded, letting her step into the apartment. Mina took her shoes off and awkwardly waited in Sana's living room, looking at the various artwork and pictures she had hung up on the walls. She bent down to look at a baby picture of Sana standing by her mom, ice cream all over her face. She laughed and only turned around when she heard footsteps close behind her.

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