28. Epilogue

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"Thank you, jury, for your service today. Court is adjourned."

Jeongyeon scoffed at the TV and reached forward. She grabbed the remote and turned it off, unimpressed with the way the drama she was watching represented the legal system. Everything was so showy and there were maybe 10 minutes of actual real court proceedings in the entire hour-long episode.

"I don't know why you still watch those. You've never found one that you've liked." Mina walked in from the kitchen and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on Jeongyeon's cheek.

Jeongyeon just smiled and shrugged, tilting her head back so she could get a better look at the woman. "You'd think that being an actual prosecutor for almost 7 years would have taught me a lesson, but I'm a glutton for drama."

Mina playfully rolled her eyes and bent over the couch, wrapping her arms around Jeongyeon's shoulders. "Is that why you married me? So I could provide a little bit of that courtroom drama?"

Jeongyeon laughed and leaned her head back into Mina's chest. She looked down at her wife's left hand, her wedding band slightly shining from the overhead lights. Jeongyeon ran her fingers over the diamond inlay and pressed a light kiss to it. She still couldn't believe it had already been two years since the wedding. It felt like it had been only days ago.

Jeongyeon could still remember the feeling of her heart trying to jump out of her chest as she watched Mina glide down the aisle. She could still feel just how sweaty her hands were as she held onto Mina's. Jeongyeon could still see the way that Mina's eyes were literally shining as she was saying her vows. She could still remember how embarrassingly enough she had to have Mina say them to her again on their honeymoon because she was too lost in the moment to focus on anything but Mina.

"I do enjoy a little drama, but I married you because you look at me like I could give you the moon."

Mina felt her heart swell. She still wasn't used to the way that Jeongyeon was so soft towards her. Sure they had moved from Jeongyeon's small apartment to a much bigger one. Sure she cried for almost an hour after Jeongyeon proposed to her. Sure she felt like she could fly to the moon and the stars on their wedding day.

But, it still felt like the first time every time Jeongyeon said anything so sweet to her. "You're such a dork." Mina let out a small chuckle and peppered kisses over her wife's face, finally landing on her lips, a small smile drawn across her face.

"I am, but I'm your dork." Jeongyeon smiled and patted Mina's shoulder, looking over at the clock above their kitchen table. "Is it my turn?"

Mina placed one last kiss to Jeognyeon's cheek and nodded, walking back into the kitchen. "Yep and dinner's almost ready so make it quick!"

Jeongyeon pushed herself from the couch and saluted her wife, causing her to let out a small chuckle as walked down the hallway. Jeongyeon carefully pushed the door open and turned the dimmer on before flicking the lights on. She walked up beside the small bed by the house shaped bookshelf, a soft smile on her lips.

"Time to wake up, sweet girl."

Jeongyeon leaned down and carefully picked her daughter up, cradling her in her arms as she gave the little girl time to wake up. Jeongyeon ran a gentle hand up and down the girl's back, placing feather light kisses to the crown of her head.

Yoo Jangmi was the second light — beside Mina of course — in Jeongyeon's life. They had started the adoption process even before they got married. The marriage license sealed the deal and only a year later they were crying over their baby.

Jangmi was diagnosed with autism only a few weeks after she was in Jeongyeon and Mina's care. Jeognyeon was terrified. Not because of the diagnosis, but because she didn't want to be a bad mother. She wanted to make sure Jangmi had all the love and care she needed. Jeongyeon even went as far as taking a leave of absence at work for a month to start Jangmi's therapy with her.

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