24. Good Night

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"Are you ready to go, honey?" Jeongyeon turned around, Mina greeting her as she stood in the office. Jeongyeon looked around, remembering the last time she was here was weeks ago. She was still supposed to be on bed rest. Not wanting to jinx it, she just shrugged her shoulders and followed her coworker out.

As they made it to the elevator, she stood on Mina's left side, her coworker reaching down to hold her hand. Jeongyeon jumped a little but eventually intertwined their fingers, looking down in slight confusion when her finger met cold metal.

"When'd you get married, Minari?" Jeongyeon let out a small laugh and held their still intertwined hands up, sure it was some kind of weird joke from the other woman.

Mina just looked at her like she had an extra head, pointing to Jeongyeon's left hand. "I married you, silly."

Jeongyeon held her left hand up, now even more confused. She silently exited the elevator with Mina, sure that the last time she had checked, they weren't even dating yet. She tried to shake the uneasy feeling off, instead focusing on the warmth of Mina's soft hand in hers. Maybe she had just forgotten an extremely important moment in her life. Maybe she was just so stressed out at work that she was forgetting things.

They were almost at Mina's car, the woman searching in her purse for her keys. She found them after a few seconds and bent down to unlock the door. Jeongyeon pulled on the door handle a few times, weirdly impatient, before Mina stood up and opened the driver side door to unlock the passenger side from the inside. Jeongyeon was just about to thank her when she felt her body freeze.

It wasn't Mina anymore. Now, she was face to face with Soojin. His cold, dead eyes were staring into her, almost like he was trying to see her soul. He had his arm wrapped around Mina's neck and a gun pressed against her temple. Jeongyeon felt her heart speed up as she begged him not to do anything.

"Please. You don't have to do this. Whatever you want from me, I-I'll give you. Money, me, whatever it is."

"Oh you can't give me anything. You've already taken everything from me. You could have left it alone. You, your little team, and every damn cop you worked with. Now, you have to lose everything. Your friend is already dead and now all that's left is her. Your precious wife." Soojin's voice held nothing but malice and evil. Jeongyeon couldn't do anything but stand and watch as his grip around Mina's throat got tighter and his finger slowly started to squeeze the trigger.

"Please Soojin. Take me instead! Please please don't-"


Jeongyeon shot up in bed, the covers tossed off of her and sweat dripping down her body. She quickly reached over and turned her bedside lamp on and looked around. Everything was familiar and everything seemed normal. She was in her room, her back still hurt like hell, and Mina... Mina!

"Please pick up. Come on come on." It was a long shot, but Jeongyeon didn't want to risk her dream being reality. After the first four rings, Mina finally answered.

"Jeong? Why are you up? It's only 2am." Mina's voice was hoarse and usually Jeongyeon would feel bad about waking the poor woman up in the middle of the night, but she was too relieved that she was actually alive to feel anything else.

"Oh thank God you're alive." Jeongyeon let out a long breath and gently leaned back against her headboard. She rubbed her face and tried to slow her heart beat, sure that this was real life now.

"Of course I'm alive. Are you okay?"

The line went quiet for a few seconds. All that could be heard was Jeongyeon's still slightly heavy breathing and the rustle of covers from Mina's end of the phone.

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