Do what you didn't do.

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August's heart drops down to her uterus as she turns to look at Joel, who was staring at the creature approaching them, no eyes, just a mouth that let out noises that made August want to cry from terror.

She grabs onto Ellie's hand tightly and begins to walk backwards, to get behind Joel instead of beside him.

They made no sound as the clicking noises continued, making their hearts drop deeper and deeper into their stomachs.

August could practically hear Ellie's rapid heart pounding—But God knows it wasn't louder than her own.

Joel began to step back too as the creature finally revealed himself through the doorway and saying he was terrifying would be an understatement...

August was going to barf. She could feel everything she'd ever eaten in her thirty-seven years of living come right back up into her throat as the clicking Infected limped forward, his head twitching as he tried to listen for any sounds.

And that's when August spots his face—which wasn't really there anymore, instead replaced by growing mushrooms, taking the place of his eyes—the only human-like feature she could see on it was its mouth, but even that looked absolutely horrible.

The two girls kept walking backwards, their eyes glued onto the approaching monster as their chests heaved up and down in a synchronized manner.

Suddenly, August heard a clicking sound from her right ear—And it wasn't the Infected they were watching like a hawk.

She pulls Ellie behind her as she backs away from the doorway on her right side.

Joel changes positions and makes his way over to the girls, pointing his gun at the doorway ahead of them.

Ellie backs up against a glass cabinet, pulling August with her as Joel keeps his gun pointed at the empty doorway, waiting for the creature to reveal himself.

And he does.

So, there are two Infected in one room. How the fuck are they going to survive?

Joel backs up against the same cabinet, putting his gun down with the same emotionless face he had on every time they came across danger.

The Infected's clicking was now right behind August and she turned to Joel, her face pale and eyes filled with fear mixed with tears.

And he takes in a breath as he notices that the Infected was standing on the other side of the cabinet they were backed into. Listening. Waiting.

He looks at the two girls, pointing to his eyes and mouthing 'They can't see' and then pointing to his ear, 'But they can hear'.

They nod and it makes another clicking sound, causing August to close her eyes tightly, her throat getting clogged up.

But August opens her eyes once she hears the sound of Ellie's breathing and it clicks within her that Ellie is terrified.

She has to open her eyes, she has to make her feel safe. Because who else will?

August opens her eyes and reaches for Ellie's hand, takes it in hers and Ellie turns to her. She doesn't look terrified but August has known her since those eyes were the size of ants. She knows every single feeling that lies beneath them.

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