When the givers need.

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August woke up at about five in the morning and noticed the empty space behind her. She knew Joel had snuck in last night, he didn't seem to hide it since his pillow was still there and she'd felt him in her sleep.

She began to get up, rubbing her eyes and taking a second to stretch before beginning to get ready. She showered, wore the winter clothes and her periwinkle blue puffer jacket and gathered her stuff before making her way over to Ellie's room and knocked on the door before opening the door and spots Ellie sitting at the edge of her bed, wearing her puffer jacket and her bag was in her hands and she was looking at her like she was expecting someone to be by her side. Joel.

But he wasn't.

August smiles and walks in, "Good morning. You got everything?"

Ellie nods and August still looks around, Ellie sometimes forgets a few things. But this time, she didn't, "Okay, good,"

A knock is heard at the front door, "Its Tommy!" A voice exclaims and August takes in a breath.

"Come on," Ellie gets up silently and the two girls walk down the stairs and head to the front door.

Tommy smiles politely when he sees them, "You ready?"

The two girls nod and they all begin to make their way to the stables.

They hear the sound of horses and the smell of hay and it sort of brings a little smile to their faces.

Walking deeper into the stables and over to their horse, they quickly realize that they're not the only ones at the stables.


He was standing next to their horse, adjusting things, "You came here to say goodbye or something?" Ellie asks coldly and Joel shakes his head, hands still on the horse.

"No. I came here to steal one of these horses and go."

"I would've gave you one," Tommy informs and Joel nods sighing.

"I know," He finally looks at the two girls, "Anyway, that was two hours ago and I guess..." He walks forward and looks at them in all seriousness, "You deserve a choice. I still think you'd be better off with Tommy—" The two girls throw their bags at him.

"Come on then," August sighs with a smile and pats Ellie's back and the girl walks toward the horse, "Let's go."

Joel between the two girls, then at Tommy, then back at them, "Okay..."

Ellie began to pull the horse out of the stables while Joel, Tommy and August walked ahead of her.

Joel and Tommy opened the gate and Ellie pulled the horse out, laughing with August about some none sense and it wasn't until now that Joel realized how much he'd missed their laughs.

Finally, when the horse was out and waiting to be ridden, Joel lifts Ellie up and helps her get on the horse before turning to August, who walked closer and grabbed onto the saddle and places one foot on a stirrup as Joel grabs onto her waist and pulls her up onto the saddle, behind Ellie.

Joel gives Ellie the reins, "Hold onto both." He orders and Ellie nods.


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