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The four young Hufflepuffs got most of their school supplies before supper. They still needed a few things such as new quills and ink, though they all mutually decided to get those things the following day.

As the four teens, Toby, Lori's parents, Allison's parents, and Melody all ate, Declan was thinking of how he'd manage to make it out of the Leaky Cauldron that night. He figured he'd change his appearance to slip by anyone who might be out and hopefully be able to get Lori, Allison, and Thomas out as well.

"Were you able to find everything you need?" Melody asked the four.

"Yeah, we did, Ms. Hayes. We'll need to go out tomorrow for quills and ink, but we've gotten everything else we need," Thomas responded. Declan looked up, having been snapped out of his thoughts by the voice of his mother. Melody nodded.

"Allison, dear, are you trying out for the Quidditch team this year? I remember you mentioning something about it," Melody asked.

"Yeah, I am. I'm going for Keeper. The Keeper for Hufflepuff last year wasn't very good and let in nearly every shot that came his way, so I know for certain that the spot is open," Allison explained. Declan nodded.

"Well, I certainly hope you make it," Melody said. Allison smiled.

As the meal continued, everyone continued to speak. Declan had struck up a conversation with Allison about Quidditch, Lori and Thomas were talking about interesting spells, and Toby was talking to all of the adults about Hogwarts.

Declan hadn't forgotten about his plan to go into Knockturn Alley. He'd been piecing it up as the night went on, though he knew most of his plan he'd end up making up on the go.

"Have you been practicing?" Allison asked.

"Yeah. My mum got me a Nimbus 1700, so I've been practicing with that," Declan said. Allison gasped.

"A Nimbuss 1700? That's the newest in the Nimbus line, isn't it? I'm still on a Cleansweep Six," she said.

"That's not that bad, is it? I had one before my Nimbus, and it always served me well. Decent handling and speed, good for a Keeper," Declan said.

"Yeah, but a Nimbus! Can I fly around on it once we're at Hogwarts?" Allison asked. Declan nodded.

"Are you two done drooling over brooms?" Lori asked from beside Allison. Declan chuckled while Allison turned around at her.

"Brooms are interesting, Lori!" Allison exclaimed. Declan laughed while Lori fired back.

The two began a petty argument while others watched and laughed. Declan turned to Thomas and the two then began a conversation of their own, this time on schoolwork.

"Tonks said we'll have more work this year than we've ever had. Something about preparing for O.W.L's," Declan said.

"Yeah, that's gonna be brilliant," Thomas said sarcastically.

Declan and Thomas began talking about school to pass the time. Thomas told Declan about Arithmancy as he'd read a book on it over the summer, so Declan had a small idea as to what he'd need to know for the following year. Arithmancy normally came easily to Declan, so he didn't really mind this.

As the dinner continued, everyone spoke to one another, catching up and speaking about their summers. Declan was still absentmindedly planning his trip into Knockturn Alley. He'd use his Metamorphmagus abilities to look like someone else and sneak out of the Leaky Cauldron into Knockturn Alley. As for Thomas, Lori, and Allison, Declan didn't have an idea.

Once their parents all went to bed, Thomas, Lori, and Allison would try and sneak out of their rooms and meet downstairs. Since none of them could use magic outside of school, they couldn't use the dissillusionment charm, even though it'd be incredibly useful. None of them had anything like an invisibility cloak, so they'd have to just be quiet and quick so as to not get caught.

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