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"Declan! Wake up!"

The light from outside blinded Declan as he opened his eyes. He was still tired and looked out the window. He turned and checked his watch, which was laying on his desk. 9:20. He read the date beside it as well.

September 1st, 1988.

Declan sat up quickly, feeling dizzy, and sat down for a second. He sat up again, this time much slower, and getting out of bed. He threw on some shorts and a hoodie, picking up his packed trunk.

Pulling his heavy trunk down, Declan walked downstairs and saw his friends and their families sitting by a table.

"Hey, Dec," Lori said. Thomas and Allison, who were mid argument, looked up at him.

"Hey," he said, sitting down. Tom brought him some food and water as he sat down.

"Declan! We're going to Hogwarts today!" Toby said from across the table. Declan chuckled.

"Yeah, we are, Toby. Are you excited?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"How couldn't I be? Hogwarts is the most brilliant place in the world," he said.

"You've never been," Lori muttered. Declan laughed before continuing his conversation with Toby.

The five Hogwarts students all finished their food by 10:20. They were planning on taking the Knight Bus to Kings Cross station since it was the only bus that would be able to hold all of them and their belongings and none of them could apparate.

After everyone finished their food, they all picked up their trunks. Declan had his broom in the wrapper he'd gotten it in (he kept it so it wouldn't look out of the ordinary to Muggles when he walked around with it) and put Ailwyn's cage on the trunk so he wouldn't have to hold it.

Once they were all outside, they stood on the curb for a moment before a tall, triple decker bus appeared in front of them all.

Declan hadn't ever ridden on the Knight bus, so he was in awe.

The Knight Bus was a magenta, triple decker bus. When he walked inside, Declan was more in awe. The driver's seat looked like that of an armchair and the other seats in the bus looked comfortable.

Declan sat down in the middle of the bus, sitting by the window and putting his trunk in the seat beside him. He looked out the window at the passing muggle cars, all driving past. Declan assumed muggles couldn't see the bus as nobody was slowing down as they passed it.

"Woah," Declan heard Toby say in awe.

"You haven't seen anything until you've been on the Hogwarts Express," Thomas said to him.

Lori and Allison were sitting in front of Declan and Thomas was on the other side of the aisle next to him.

"Have you ever ridden on the Knight Bus, Declan?" Allison asked.

"I haven't. Have either of you?"

"I have a couple times, but not frequently. Toby hasn't ever been on it, though," Lori said.

"I've never been on it either," Allison added.

As the Knight Bus began moving, Declan's trunk fell down beside him. He caught Ailwyn's cage before it hit the ground and held it next to him, dragging his trunk to himself with his leg.

The chair Declan was sitting on began sliding around. He heard Thomas yell and heard a thud. Declan looked up and saw Thomas' trunk on his foot. His sweater caught onto another chair that was sliding away from him. Allison was laughing incredibly loudly at this and Lori was looking back at Declan.

𝒱𝒾𝒷𝓇𝒶𝓃𝓉 - Declan Hayes (a Harry Potter Story)Where stories live. Discover now