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During the first Herbology class of May, the luminous grass winner was announced.

"Many of you put in a lot of effort, but one of you managed to impress me the greatest," said Professor Sprout, looking at the class.

Declan stood there in anticipation. Allison and Lori were standing behind him and Thomas was beside him. Declan's grass was in front of them in their planter box.

Professor Sprout looked at them and smiled, "Declan Hayes, you have impressed me greatly with your dedication to this project. You've won all the grass and can use it however you'd like."

The class all applauded as Professor Sprout walked up to Declan, who was a little shocked. Even though he'd put in so much work, he wasn't entirely sure he would have won, so he was a little in awe when Professor Sprout had said his name.

Declan smiled, "Thank you, Professor, I really appreciate it."

"You've earned it, Mr. Hayes," Professor Sprout replied.

After the class, Declan had stayed behind and spent what would've been his lunch to look over the rest of the grass. All the it had begun to glow blue, similar to his own, but Declan still had to make sure they were full bloom.

Over the first couple weeks of May, that's what Declan did. He spent a lot of time working on the rest of the luminous grass, making sure they were all blooming before he took them and asked Amanda the big question.

Because the year was coming to a close, students were also having to study for their exams. Declan was spending the time he wasn't spending with the luminous grass with his friends, making sure they were all prepared for their exams.

One day, during Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Kettleridge told them how their exam would go.

"Your exam this year will be unlike your past ones, at least from what I've heard from other students," said Professor Kettleridge to the Hufflepuff class, "This year, you will be doing a practical exam where you will display your magical prowess against an enemy."

"Who's the enemy supposed to be, Professor?" Erik asked.

"One of your classmates. Don't worry, I'll be there to regulate it, but your exam this year is a practical exam on dueling," Professor Kettleridge explained.

Over the year, Professor Kettleridge had grown to be one of Declan's favorite professors. She had taught the class with emotion and managed to keep the class from being boring. Declan always looked forward to class with Professor Kettleridge due to this reason.

One of the main things Professor Kettleridge had taught her class was defensive spells as well as how to use them. The students had become very adept at using these spells, which made people believe it wouldn't be too hard to pass the exam.

Thomas normally got stressed during this time of the year, and this time was no different.

Due to the nature of the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, Thomas felt the need to practice. Declan, deciding it might not hurt to get some practice in, decided to join Thomas.

The two would duel at night before bed in the Common Room, which worked fine until Lori and Allison came down one night. They assumed Declan and Thomas were arguing, so they ran in. After a very odd explanation, Lori and Allison had decided to join the boys in their dueling practice.

This wasn't the only exam they had to study for, however. Declan and Thomas were drowning in homework for Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, so they weren't very worried about those classes. Care of Magical Creatures wasn't normally very difficult either, so none of the Hufflepuff quartet worried too much about it either. It was their core classes where things got difficult.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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