The Meeting

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(Keats Side)

Keat had been spared from her execution a long time ago, and while she was happy about that, she was still in jail, a mere prisoner.

She kinda regretted now saying those words, and basically telling on her group.

She was the member of the "anti-shadow revolutionary movement"

At least, that's how it started, before Andrew, who she began to hate, got in and spread his ideas of "communism" and a "socialist Acirema".

Then, the group completely changed, and became a terrible communist cult.

It still had a large following.

"Man, people can be ignorant..." Thought Keat

She then began to think about how since Andrew got in the group, she began to be slowly excluded from it, and considered a "crazy" witch, or sometimes even being called an outcast.

While she thought this, an officer went to her cell, opened it, and said:

"Shadow wants to talk to you."

Keat began following the officer, and got in a boat, the same boat that brought her to this cursed prison island to where she was originally meant to meet her doom, but didn't.

As the boat began moving, she stared at the prison island, and thought "Goodbye, old friend" .

She almost laughed at the silly thought, "Old friend? Really? It's more like an enemy or something" Thought Keat.

Before she knew it, she was in Acirema.

From when she left the place, to now, it looked a bit different, a bit more dull.

Even thought she didn't like the look that Shadow gave to the island, she still had to talk to him, and she wasn't going to tell him about how Acirema looks weirder and worse.

She followed the officer and while walking looked around.

"Meh, could look better" said Keat.

After a bit of walking, she arrived at this slightly big building, and got in.

The officer then pointed to a room, which had a sign hanging to the side of the door there, proudly proclaiming "Shadow's Office".

Keat got in, and sure enough, there he was, Shadow.

Shadow stared at her with a slight look of disgust in his face, before saying;
"Sit down"

Keat obeyed, and sat in the chair adjacent to Shadow's.

Shadow then began to talk, and said:

"So, you were supposed to die, but I have been informed you know of this... 'Andrew' person" said Shadow.

"That's correct, he is part of an organization which plans to overthrow you." Said Keat.

"At first, I didn't believe you, but when I went to do some 'business', he dared attack me, and my officers have been unable to find him, so, tell me as much as you know about him." Said Shadow.

"Well, he's part of a communist organization, which wants to assassinate you, take over Acirema, and establish a communist regime, there are also many other details, but that's pretty much it." Said Keat.

"Ok... and how will this info help me." Said Shadow.

"Well, I was part of the organization, but then I realized, I was in the wrong, and I decided that I had to become a spy in the organization so that it can be destroyed." Said Keat.

"Hmmm... anything else" said Shadow.

"Welp, they did plan to bomb the building we are in right now, but other than that, no, I need more time to be in the organization and see what's going on." Said Keat.

"Understandable, welp Keat, pleasure to meet you, you will be my spy from now and onwards, and once we defeat those communist, maybe you could spy on that Pokemon fella, or maybe I'll make you my right hand man, or should I say, woman?" Said Shadow.

Keat's face got filled with a fake smile and she began to nervously laugh.

"Anywho, go ahead and gather information on the attack, if the attack succeeds however... there WILL be consequences" said Shadow.

Keat began to sweat.

She just got herself on something she wasn't supposed to be on.

And all to live a bit more.

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