An Unexpected, but welcome discovery

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Shadow was at his desk, planning on how he was to defeat the void and awaiting for his delivery of iron he sent some officers and some slave miners to go mine.

He also wondered something which was in his head a long time... and that was, what was Pokémon up to?

It was almost as if Shadorbia wasn't his, and anytime he attempted to communicate to him thru mail, no answer returned.

Something in Shadow's gut told him that he was up to no good, and slowly, dread filled Shadow's body.

"Could he be planning for my overthrowing? Or maybe he is planning something far worse..."

As that thought finished, he heard a very fast knock, almost agitated, stopping his thinking and making him stand up.

"Come in!" Said Shadow.

And as soon as those words left his mouth, one of the officers he had sent to the mines barged in, and began to speak quickly, so quickly in fast Shadow didn't understand it:




"Calm down!" Commanded Shadow to the officer, and sure enough, he did, closed his eyes, breathed in and out, and began to talk:

"Shadow, while the slaves mined away and we made sure they obeyed your orders, they found a rare material, sorta like netherite, but with these purple-ish tints, I even brought you a sample!"

Shadow went from bored, to curious, and stretched his arm towards him, to get the sample.

The officer placed in on the palm of his hand, and stared at Shadow, a bit nervous.

Shadow inspected it, and began to feel it, it had a hard texture, but felt like sand at the time.

He then put it up to his nose to smell it, and when he did, the officer looked at him in confusion, nevertheless, Shadow smelled the substance before moving his head away from it instantly.

It smelled gunpowdery, and then an idea came to Shadow.

"Maybe we can use it for some sort of explosive?"

He then turned his attention towards the officer, and commanded "Get me more of it."

"Yes sir!"  Replied the officer, before marching away.

Shadow closed the door, and placed the sample on his desk, before sitting on a chair near his desk, and holding down a button.

"Scientists! I have a job for you, send a group of 5 people here, as soon as possible!"

A few minutes passed, and the scientist barged in.

"How may we he- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT?" Said one of the scientists before seeing the sample of Shadow's desk.

"It's a new material found in the mines, I am unsure what it could be used for." Said Shadow.

"Interesting! This could be a great discovery for Acirema! Or for the military of Acirema... either way, it's a good thing." Said one of the scientists.

"May we take it?" Asked another of the scientists.

"Go ahead" said Shadow.

The scientists that asked if he could take it, took it, and said:

"We will be right back leader Shadow!"

They left, and headed somewhere, and Shadow sinply waited.

While he waited, he had noticed something about the mineral, and that was that it looked like a piece of void or something along those lines.

Sure enough, his theory was confirmed after the scientists returned.

They opened the door, and one of them said:

"After careful examination, we have come to the realization that this substance contains part of the void, fear not however, as the void essence isn't harmful and can't spread, but it still has the powers of the void, in other words, it's a usable and controllable form of the void, it also could be used for weaponry, maybe something like...."

Shadow finished the scientist thought by saying "...a bomb?"

"Exactly! If you give us more time, it could even be used to open a gate to the void dimension!" Replied the scientist.

"Hmm..." thought Shadow.

First off, while a bomb of this material was good, what could it even be used for?

And then, his own mind answered that question.


Tow had humiliated the whole Black Sun Order, and perhaps this explosive could destroy his state, and show to the citizens that the Black Sun Order was sill strong, and not weak.

"Alright, you can do that, but right now, focus on developing the bomb, and then once it's developed, call me to go test it." Said Shadow.

"Of course! We will go work on that ASAP!" Said yet another of the scientists.

Just as they were about to leave however, Shadow spoke up and said:

"Oh, one more thing."


"This new material is now Voidium, that's it new name."

And just like that, Voidium was in Shadow's hand, soon to start a new age for Acirema, and perhaps even one for Shadorbia...

The Black Sun Order: The Unfinished CutWhere stories live. Discover now