The Lurker

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(Chicken's Side)

Chicken had just woken up from a nap, ready to explore the world, or simply visit something.

But then she realized, where would she head to? So, she began to think, and let her mind wander.

"Ironhawk? No, didn't seem that interesting

New Sevastopol? It was in Acirema, not interesting.

Talking about Acirema, how about I head there?"  Thought Chicken.

And so, within minutes of waking up, it had been decided, to Acirema she was to go.

Little did she know, that the Acirema she loved was no longer existent.

Chicken got a trident and elytra(and some fireworks just in case), opened the door, and saw that it was thundering, so getting that trident was a good idea.

Chicken then, swiftly using her trident, propelled herself from the ground and began to fly in the air.

She hadn't visited Acirema for a while, and she wondered what she was going to find there, wonders? A better looking place? The possibilities were endless!

After a long flight, she had located Acirema, when suddenly arrows started flying at her.

She forcefully landed in the floor, avoiding any deadly arrows headed towards her, grabbed a sword and began fighting the armed soldiers, killing some, and knocking others out.

She now stood in front of a huge door, surrounded by fortified walls, soon realizing that Acirema was no longer the one she knew,

She nonetheless, with the elytra, flew over the wall, and landed in the floor, which was wet from the rain.

People didn't seem happy, they all seemed sad, and some even seemed angry.

She then began to wonder "Who is the mayor, and what have they done to this city?"

So, she began to walk around, until she found something that resembled where the elections took place, which was the mayor building, and looked at it.

It had grown, and now looked a bit more tall, wide and menacing.

As she stared at it, thunder struck near the building, scaring Chicken.

She then entered the building, and saw that the interior looked a bit more blackish, and overall looked more grim in style.

She however, didn't care about how the interior looked like, and just wanted to see the Mayor.

So she began to look around, checking doors, until she found a door with a sign on it saying "Mayor's Office"

Strangely enough, it was unguarded, and all there was was a long hallway.

Suddenly, thunder struck, and Shadow appeared out of nowhere.

Chicken got startled, but tried to hide it

"Hello Shadow, I see what you have done to the city, and I-"

"We can discuss it in my office, come with me" Sajd Shadow

As Shadow guided her thru the long hallway, there were soldiers armed with crossbows, and when Shadow passed near them, they crossed their arms in an x shape, and shouted "Hail Shadow!"

After a long walk, and a bunch of "Hail Shadow's!", they finally arrived.

Shadow opened the door and said:

"Come in."

Chicken came in.

Shadow closed the door behind her, and asked her to sit down in the chair.

And she obeyed his orders.

Shadow then sat on his chair, cleared his throat, and began to speak:

"Long time no see Chicken,What brings you here?" Said Shadow.

"Hi! Well what brings me here is that I wanted to check out the place, but instantly got attacked, and even when I entered, everything seems so bleak" Said Chicken.

"Welp, I have, in a way, 'reformed' Acirema, I have changed the architecture of Acirema an-" Said Shadow.

"Oh cool, it looks terrible." Interrupted Chicken.

"Huh, so I was correct, the Black Sun IS the way to get rid of the void, anyways, will you join me?"

"No thanks, I will now go."
Said Chicken.

"Very well, sure, you'll leave here, IN A FUNERAL BOX." Said Shadow with evil intent

"Oh ok" Said Chicken.

Chicken quickly grabbed a sword and struck Shadow in the head with it, and then broke the window, before equipping her elytra, and flying back to her home, never to return here.

While Chicken flew, Shadow shouted thru the broken window:


After screaming all of that, an officer barged in, and asked:

"Is everything alright sir?"

Shadow, almost out of breath and coughing due to the screaming, responded breathlessly:
"Yes Yes, I am fine, it's just that some people are idiots, all I need...

Shadow took a break, trying to gain his breath, before finishing his sentence off by saying: a new window."

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