The Flames begin to burn

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Mitch woke up, his mind filled with many thoughts, thoughts of rage, thoughts of hatred, and thoughts of hope.

He looked to Scylla's side, and saw that she was still sleeping, looking like a little angel in a cloud.

Now, he could let her sleep, and that would be it, end of the story.

But no,  change had to occur, a revolution to be more exact, now, or never.

He got up from his bed, and began to shake Scylla to wake her up.

When she woke up, she a bit irritated and very tired.

"Scylla, it's time, the revolution must occur, we will avenge Sam, we shall spill Shadow's blood on the ground just like he did with Sam's" said Mitch.

"ughhh... 5 more minutes..." Said Scylla groggily.

"It's now or never Scylla, I promise that when we get done with our meeting, you can go back to sleep." Said Mitch.

"Ok then..." replied Scylla, before standing up from the bed.

Scylla and Mitch begin to change their clothings, and after a bit of time, they were ready, and opened the door.

Mitch looked at the sun, and saw that the moon was still there, shining as brightly as ever, but it was about to be replaced by the sun in no time.

Just like Shadow's regime was to be replaced.

They then began to walk towards the bar on which they always met.

He and Scylla opened the doors, found the others, and  sat down in the chairs.

"Boss, we have very good news, hell, they could be considered insane" Said one of the 5 people.

"Yeah, While you slept, we spread out flyers out during the night, and managed to recruit people, and it seems that many are ready to fight, the first attack will start tomorrow, at afternoon" Said another of the 5 men.

A smile filled Mitch's face.

Mitch and Scylla came up with plans, and prepared, today he would secure the weapons, and tomorrow.


It would be showtime.

As this all occurred, someone woke up, 300 blocks away from Acirema.

Kez arose from where they were, and opened their eyes.

"*Wh-Where am I?" Asked Kez.

But to their avail, no one answered.

The only thing that slightly spoke to them was the winds, and even they didn't have much to say.

Kez began to walk around, only knowing about Acirema and how it had been changed.

As they began to walk, the wind threw them a newspaper at their face.

Kez quickly removed it from their face, and began to read:

"Shadow, mayor of Acirema, passes anti-void law!"

Kez didn't think much of this, and just ignored it.

After a long journey, and almost getting pushed by the winds, Kez had finally arrived at Acirema.

There were guards in there, and Kez began to feel a bit nervous.

When Kez began to walk towards the guards, they immediately blocked them.

"Who are you?" Asked one of the guards.

"*I am Kez, I want to see how Acirema has changed" responded Kez.

The guards looked at each other, and simply shrugged, before letting Kez in.

When Kez entered, they expected to be greeted by joyful imagery.

But instead, Kez saw that the city looked as hopeless as a city could look like.

There were people begging for money in the streets, and people selling things in markets.

There were a few big buildings, but other than that, the place looked old, and not that modernized.

As Kez explored Acirema, they saw a poster which read "Have you seen me?"  With Tim's face on it.

To the citizens of Acirema, this was a normal poster.

But to Kez, it was devastating.

They knew, that just from the atmosphere that this new Acirema, something wrong had happened.

Kez kneeled in the ground, the cold night winds relentlessly striking at them, crying and weeping.

Kez didn't know exactly why they were crying, but what this new world had become, tortured them mentally.

As they kneeled in the ground, an officer, thinking that they were doing some sort of Void cult thing, forcefully stood them up.

"*W-What are you going to do to me?" Asked Kez.

"Nothing to worry about." Said the officer.

Kez then began to follow the officer down to an alleyway, and then forced Kez to go back to their knees and to look the opposite direction from the officer.

The officer then simply said: "Die Void Scum."

He raised his crossbow, pointed it at Kez's head, and before a word could come out of Kez's mouth, shot.

A body could be heard falling with a THUD! sound.

And Kez was no more.

The Black Sun Order: The Unfinished CutWhere stories live. Discover now