The Unwise

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(Shadow's Side)

Shadow was at his desk, wondering what else to do.

Ruling wasn't as fun as he though it was.

His list was done, there was no one to get rid of.

Well, there was one more thing in his list, and the target was very vicious, and very risky to take over.


Maduch was extremely weak, and as such, it was easy getting rid of him.

Tim was harder to capture, but thanks to Pokemon, was captured and was instrumental to getting info about the void.


Even fighting the void was easier than killing Tow.

Killing Tow was near impossible.

He grabbed the paper, and crossed out Tim's name.

Tow's name in the paper felt like it was taunting Shadow, almost like it was telling Shadow "You will never get him!"

But no, no matter if Shadow didn't want to appear weak, fighting Tow was a terrible idea.

He prepared to cross out Tow's name, and simply write in the margin "Impossible to kill"

He reached for his pen.

When suddenly, the captain of the police officer department barged in.

"Sir! Sir! Some of our people found a hole, and we sent some explorers to go see it, it had these strange people on them, and a weird creature which was identified as a warden, it may be risky, however we could explore it and colonize it. But it seems someone else had taken over it, but we couldn't see because our explorers died and only a few survived." Said the captain.


This was an opportunity, a risky one.

Was it even worth it?

Fighting Tow was no easy feat.

Should he try?

It was tempting.

But resources were resources.

"Prepare our strongest troops and captains, we are gonna have a rough fight when we go there." Said Shadow.

"Yes sir!" Said the captain, who then headed out of the door and probably into the military department.

Shadow felt his hairs stand up, "I may have just signed my death sentence, and if I don't die, maybe my country's hope on me" Thought Shadow.

And Shadow would be proven right.

The Black Sun Order: The Unfinished CutWhere stories live. Discover now