Chapter 6

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Noah exhales. "Oh, thank the Goddess."

He wraps bulky arms around me, pressing my forehead to his thumping heart. I can't believe this. His heartbeat says this is just as beautifully overwhelming for him, but I don't get the sense it's for the possibility of sex. Noah strokes my hair until my breathing slows.

Trauma roadblocks my freedom to trust, so I'm not used to experiencing instant attraction. But pressing against Noah like this stirs sensations I can't deny.

I shift my feet as a flash of heat pulses through my groin, trying to stifle my arousal. But the second I do so, Noah's eyes zip to mine. They're heavy-lidded, and I can guess he feels similarly by the bulge emerging against my stomach.

I would've had sex with him in the forest - right then and there. I think he would've too. But his eyes aren't hunting for sex as we gaze at each other. They're relishing in me. 

His wide thumbpad moves from stroking my hair to petting my cheek, pausing beside my lips. His cheeks burn bright red, but his stoic expression tells me he wants me. Especially as his eyes dart to my lips.

My lips part on their own, desperate to taste his. And I want him to know it.

Noah sucks in a surprised breath as my hand raises toward his neck. I wait for him to pull away, but he freezes, waiting despite his heart pounding against my ear.

But his eyes widen. "Wait."

I freeze. "Did you not like it before?"

"N-no, I... I did." He can't bear to hold eye contact. "But I have to know if you realize what you're doing so I know this is what you want."

My heart pounds into my ears. Did I break some sort of wolf code?

His golden cheeks wash in red as he stares at my neck. I'm itching for him to touch me there, but he points to his neck instead.

"This is a scent gland." His fingertips trail his neck, just behind his jugular vein. Goosebumps erupt down my torso just watching him, but they double when I'm hit with a fresh wave of his scent. My limbs loosen, allowing him to hold even more of my weight against his chest.

Wait, his scent meant to soothe me, didn't it?

I'm still reeling with delicious relaxation when Noah says something I don't expect.

"It feels good because... B-because mates bite each other there, leaving a scarred mark to seal their bond."

His voice softens by the end until he's barely audible. But I heard him, latching onto every word. As the gravity of that scent gland sinks in, my body ignites with a hungry yearning, begging me to touch that place on his neck even more.

"So when I touch there, that tells you I want to feel bonded with you?" I whisper.

He bites his lips, nervous eyes glancing between mine. "Y-yes. But it's a bit deeper than feeling bonded. Mate bonds are tangible. You'll feel me, I'll feel you... Kind of like sewing our souls together. B-but - um - for life."

I've never made any lifetime commitments to anyone.

But the urge in me screams, This is what I've always wanted.

If I went back in time and sat beside myself in Jenny's office a couple hours ago, I'd never believe I'd fall for someone tonight. But me, considering committing myself to Noah, for life? Something has to be wrong with me.

But I have to be dreaming anyway, right? What if - just this time - I let myself chase my deepest desires? Followed them, instead of pushing them away to make others happy?

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