Chapter 2.

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With Kyle on top of him, Eric cried in pain as he got punched over and over again by e red head.

"What is going on in here?!" The school principal yells in shock. She broke up the fight between Kyle and Eric, and drug us all out to the hall.

"Can someone explain to me what is going on?" She starts.

"Kyle beat me up for no reason!" Cartman yells in defense.

"No reason?! You know damn well you deserved what I did to you!"

"Mr. Broflovski! I will not tolerate that kind of language!" She screams again. Kyle sighed ans Eric began to tell his side of the story.

"I was just trying to make an announcement over the intercom but Kyle came up to me and started punching me! As you can see Mrs. Cox, I did nothing wrong!" Well, he halfway told the truth.

"That's not the story fatass!"

Shut up Jew!"

"Boys! Kyle, let's here the story from you."

"Well Mrs. Cox, in case you didn't hear, Eric announced Stan's sexuality over the intercom for the whole school to hear after Stan begged him not to. I tried to talk Cartman out of it but it obviously didn't work. He announced it, called Stan a fag, I got mad and best the hell out of him caused by reflects." Eric crossed his arms. I stayed quiet, trying not to get into trouble.

"Stan? Is this correct?"

"Kyle's right. But please don't get him into any trouble! He was just trying to help! It was reflexes! Eric told everyone my sexuality after I begged him not to! The only thing Kyle's guilty of, is standing up for me." I say looking over at Kyle.

"You guys are so gay! Go get a room so you van make out!" Cartman snaps, making me blush a little at the though. Kyle rolls his eyes, his face as red as his hair.

"Alright Eric! I've been putting up with your nonsense all year! You're coming with me! Kyle, Stanley, get go class! I'll deal with you later Kyle!"

"Yes ma'am..."

Mrs. Cox grabs Eric's arm and drags him away. Kyle and I on the other hand, walk to class.

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