Okay I was at a total loss for anything to write this week so I posted something we were working on in school. It was for a mock presidential campaign. It was my campaign speech. Well, enough gibbity gah enjoy!
The Melting Pot that is what we have been called over the years. A melting pot of cultures. A melting pot of ethnicities and a melting pot of people. The people are the meat in the pot and the culture is the spice. The ethnicity is merely the vegetables that are added in as we go along.
Long ago our fore fathers set the fire below the pot. When Washington crossed the Delaware the water was added to the pot and it began to boil. As wars cut our country in half the meat in the pot varied in quality but it remained. As the wars spread to engulf not only us but others more vegetables were added adding to the flavor.
Now as foreign people and cultures collide again with our own more attempts are being made to take those threats out. The fear is killing the rights that we so proudly fought for. We are angry at the government for threatening our rights but should we be angry at ourselves? Are we not destroying our own freedoms? I am not saying that what happened in the terrorist events in the past or future are our fault or that we should not retaliate. I am merely saying that we should attack those who attack us and not those who abide by us peaceably.
As we speak the melting pot we were once so proud of is fracturing as the fuel of rage begins to melt the pot. We are losing the culture and way of life we were once so proud of. We must slow the fires of war back to a simmer lest we burn the contents and leave it all scarred. We must turn back the heat and the fervor that we have shown in the heat of war and turn it instead to cultivating the vegetables that are added to the stew that make it not only healthy for all but a flavorful concoction that will satisfy the generations in the future who wish to sample the taste and spice of freedom.