Dear Best Friend

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Dear Best Friend, how have you been?
Hasn't it been so long?
We haven't talked for quite a while,
I used to think our bond was so strong...

Guess it was just my imagination,
For where we have come today,
Is somewhere from where we can't return,
From you, I've never felt so fat away...

Only if you cared for me just a bit more,
Only if you could have seen through my weak soul,
But our ship is under the sea now,
I believe... It's our ego that made us drown....

How good it was then, but now it's just
Bitter sweet memories,
You won't know but to be honest,
I still love you like old times,
And it's over now, the perfection it was then,
But it wasn't anyone's fault,
Somewhere, I believe....
Our friendship isn't dead....

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