Single Pringle (2)

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*Author pov*

Hyunjin waited for Jeongin after school ended the next day, taking his hand and dragging the younger to the closest arcade, which even during daylight was a fun activity. He won a few prizes for Innie, and bought the both of them keychains, one of a fox and the other of a cat. After they walked out, laughing and joking, they went to a pizzeria, just as planned. Jeongin's eyes lit up at the sight of food, and Hyunjin found himself wishing to be that food at that moment.

Later, when the two were done eating their pizza, Hyunjin led the younger to a secluded area of the park, where the tall hedges prevented anyone from figuring out the spot's location. He took some soft pink roses and vibrant pelargoniums, intertwining them to make a quick flower crown. He placed it on Jeongin's head, smiling. The younger blushed, but showed no other reaction.

Right before they parted, Hyunjin trapped Jeongin in a tight hug, whispering the words, "Same time, next week." into the shorter's ear.

The week after that was similar, but the two boys stayed out later, singing their lungs out at a karaoke bar and finding random things to take pictures of.

The week after that became the one that gave Jeongin an inkling of his feelings. He had thought that his and Hyunjin's relationship would stay platonic, but these weekly hangouts were becoming quite dangerous for his heart. After Chan, he had vowed never to fall in love ever again. To never give someone pieces of himself. He had vowed to be a single pringle for life.

He had enjoyed it.

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