Chapter 3: Welcome To Vale

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Near the city of Vale

(Y/N) is now walking for 2 days to reach Vale, with only 3 to 4 hours of sleep. He doesn't want to risk getting attack by more Grimm or bandits, that is also the reason he didn't stick to the roads. Breaking the tree line (Y/N) see's a gigantic wall in his way.

(Y/N):(Wow... That is one way to keep unwanted visitors out.)

Checking the wall for a weaknesses or a entrance, he sees a gate similar to a border checkpoint what he knows in his city's. (Y/N) would rather find a other way into Vale, but it doesn't look like there is one. He reluctant moves towards the gate.

(Y/N):(Let's hope they just let me in.)

Reaching the gate for Vale, he is getting stopped by the guard.

Guard:"Stop. Sir, please take your hood down."

Now getting nervous, (Y/N) is taking his hood down and the guard takes out a unknown device. He pulls it apart and holds it in front of (Y/N)'s face for a few seconds. After that a beeping sound is heard and the guard is swiping on the device and looking at (Y/N) from time to time. Getting more and more nervous, (Y/N) is looking for a way out when things are going south. After a minute of looking at the phone like device, he looks at (Y/N) again and smiles.

Guard:"And that is all. Welcome to Vale."

Nodding and pulling his hood back up, (Y/N) walks into the city and is surprised how similar the city is. The architecture reminds him of the hometown of his mother in Germany. By the looks of it the city is bigger than anything that his world could build in the last 5 year's. It has a large port area, probably for trading and transport. But all of that doesn't matter right now, (Y/N) needs to find a library for information on this world, if this is a new world.

(Y/N):(I should have asked were the library is.)

The best option is to find the City Square and go from there. Following a few sign's that are pointing him in the right direction, (Y/N) is observing his surrounding and the amount of people in one area. It is a bit overwhelming from being alone to suddenly being in a giant city.

After half an hour of walking and making him familiar with his surrounding. (Y/N) reaches the public library for information gathering and hopefully the answer that he is still on earth.

The library is quite big and spacious, looking at the map for the history section he is happy that the language is English. At the section he is looking for, (Y/N) is searching for books on world history and Grimm. He found 2 good ones, History of Remnant and Encyclopedia of Grimms. Looking for a quiet place to read, (Y/N) finds a secluded spot in the far back of the library. Starting with the history book with the newest events, after that he's trying to memorize the different Grimms and finding tactics against them.

Hours Later

The librarian goes through the shelves to sort books and check if any are missing. Getting to the back of the library, he controls the last shelves and suddenly hears pages turning. Looking in the direction of the source, he sees (Y/N) siting in the far back completely absorbed in a book. Next to him is a notebook were he takes notes from time to time, it looks like he filled 10 pages by now.

Librarian:"Excuse me, we are closing in a few minutes."

No reaction comes from (Y/N), he continues to read and taking notes. The librarian is walking closer to (Y/N) and tapping him on the shoulder, immediately he pulls his hand back as he gets a electric shock. (Y/N) lifts his head an looks around confused, he meets the eys of the librarian.

Librarian:"We are closing, you have to leave."

Nodding and standing up, (Y/N) closes the book and puts his notes in his backpack. Picking the books up to put them back, the librarian stops him and says that he will take care of that. Saying sorry for staying to long, (Y/N) moves towards the exit and is greeted by the night sky. That is the first time he sees the destroyed moon of his world, it is a eerie site with no information on it. Walking towards the docks in the industrial district, he goes through the information in the books.

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