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Cate's P.O.V.

It's another one of those quiet mornings where the sun's up and shining in the radiant sky and everything feels so serene. For once even the horny cat outside had finally shut up from making those obscene noises (I swear that cat needs to get laid. Ugh, why can't cats touch themselves?) and I could finally just rela-

"Caaaaate! If you're still in bed I'm prepared to use my ninja kick!" a very loud voice screams, soon followed by maniacal laughter.

I could hear the overly excited steps up the stairs and was about to fling myself into a nearby cabinet when the door suddenly burst open and in came Ella along with Valerie (AKA the two people I love and hate the most in this entire world).

"Oh yay you're awake! I wouldn't need to ask Val help me roll you onto the floor anymore." El smiles sweetly, a complete opposite to her words and plops down on my bed while Val gives me a smile before silently making her way to a nearby chair.

"It's too early for this," I whine and uncermoniously faceplant onto my bed.

"No it's not. Now, listen and don't interrupt me until I'm done." El sasses and gives Val and I a pointed look.

An eternity later...

"So a roadtrip, huh?" Val asks with her usual emotionless face.

"Yeap!" El cheers, finally finished with trying to convince us of her 'super duper amazing idea that could blow you into outer space'.

"Where to, though?" I push my face off the pillows to give her a glance.

"Honestly, I still don't have any arrangements made but just think about it. We could finally have a vacation and bond together!" El chirps enthusiastically. "Plus, your parents trust me enough to let us go on a trip alone." She finishes, looking smug.


And that was how we ended up here in the middle of nowhere, in a black Mazda Miata (don't ask. El's dad handed us his keys while her mom wasn't looking and shooed us out of the house) taking a short break from driving while staring up at the blanket of darkness above, littered with glittering stars.

"I think we're only a couple of hours away from my parents' beach house." Val yawns from the passenger seat as she stretches her cramped limbs and lets the map fall onto her lap.

"El, drive faster, would you?" I jokingly tease from the backseat.

"Hey! Why don't you try driving instead of sleeping for 4 hours straight!" comes her response.

"Trust me, if she drives any faster than her usual speed then we'd be in jail and the hospital by now." Val says with all the seriousness she could muster which earned her a playful hit on the arm.

And for a while everything seems to be fine. Music's blasting from the speakers and there's the occasional out of tune singing coming from one of us but it's somehow comforting. Being the only ones on this wide road far away from the twinkling city lights does seem rather intimidating but seeing as to how all our moods are as high as an addict on drugs, it's anything but that.

All is well until a meek "Guys, the map flew away..." disrupts the silence.

We're officially stuck.


A/N: Hi! Okay, so we played rock, paper, scissors online (it magically worked) to decide on who'll update first and I'm the (un)lucky loser! Yay! So yeah first chapter's up wooo hope it doesn't suck as much as I think it does. ~Shayne

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