This Means War

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Cate's P.O.V.

Oh hell no.

Siding with Jace is the worst decision I've ever made in my entire life. I thought he'd actually have decent taste in girls and know how to treat them right.
Well, looks like I'm wrong.

"Seriously, Jace? You go flirt around with dolled up girls, fuck them then leave the next day? Wow. I never expected you to be this low." I spat out.

"You never even told me about this!" Matt exclaims trying to get over the initial shock.

"Guys, calm do-" Val tries, only to be interrupted.

"NO VAL! WE WON'T CALM DOWN!" El explodes, frightening Val more. "Jace hitting on you was fine. But Jace being pretencious about who he really is, is plain disgusting."

"You probably tried to hide your personality by being a nice little gentleman, didn't you?" El sneers before taking steps towards Jace. "You did it just to sleep with Val, didn't you?" She spats in his face.

"Well Jace here doesn't need anymore of your worthless company cause I'm-"

I have absolutely no idea why. But apparently Amanda still has the guts to speak up in this type of situation.

Wrong. Move.

"Well why don't YOU get your worthless being miles away from here and take your shitty personality with you!" El directs her attention to Amanda and glares holes into her being.

"My, my, my! Look at who's talking!" Amanda smirks, turning her horrendous face into a worse one. "Now, if you could just leave and take your ugly sobbing mess of a friend with you-"

And that was all it took for El to charge at full force and roughly push her down onto the sand.

"Matt, get Val back to the house now. She doesn't need to see any of this. I'll take El back myself." I command.

Matt gives me an uneasy look before ushering Val to follow him as they make their way back to the beach house.

When I redirect my attention to El and Amanda, I'm faced with them both dangerously wrestling on the ground. Both their skins a horrible shade of red due to all the tugging and scraping.

There's hair flying everywhere, faces are being scratched and before I could even run to help El out, Jace steps in between the two and pulls them apart.

"That's enough!" His voice booms throughout the open area causing random civilians to stop and stare.

"El, let's go. Just leave her alone, she doesn't deserve any attention." I tug on El's arm while Jace holds Amanda back. Both girls continue to visciously glare at each other, chests heaving up and down from lack of breath.

"Cate, let go of me!" El hisses and desperately tries to remove her arm from my grasp. "She outright insulted Val! Are you just gonna let that slide?"

"And you!" She snarls at Jace. "Don't you dare come near Val again!"

"El, that's enough! Let's go, you're bleeding!" We both look down too see two uneven lines oozing out blood on her right arm.

I turn to snap at Amanda, ready to give her a final kick in the face but El starts walking away on her own. Probably to tend on her wound while it's still fresh. I settle for giving her a death glare instead and quickly run up to El, but not before giving Jace a piece of my mind.

"Keep your pathetic ass away from Val and don't you dare think of coming back to her beach house. You could sleep with this bitch right beside you tonight for all I care. Val doesn't need someone like you." And with that, I catch up to El and assist her home.

Once we get back, we're met with cold silence. All the lights are turned off and not a single sound could be heard. If none of the events had happened, the house would've been in complete chaos! But at the same time still give us all that relieving and comfortable atmosphere. We're all so used to the loud music blasting from El's room, the boys' daily bickering and our loud chatter ringing throughout the house. But now the house seems as empty as the first time we arrived in Santa Monica. It's depressing, to say the least.

I decide that tending to El's still bleeding wounds would be better as of now despite her constant complaints that Val might need us more. She can't just walk into a room and comfort Val while her blood continues oozing out.

"Stay here and don't move." She pouts but thankfully complies anyway.

I check one of the bathrooms for any first-aid kits and spot one by the sink. I grab it by the handle and run off to where El's waiting in one of the guest rooms near the entrance. We quickly dress her wound and patch it up before searching for Val.

"Val?" I call out.


"Matt!" El shouts.


We both give each other a worried glance before proceeding up the stairs.

"I'll check the rooms to the left while you do the ones to the right." El says and I nod.

We both open a couple of doors that hold nothing but furniture behind them.

"Do you think Matt kidnapped Val?" I ask in all seriousness. El cracks a smile and rolls her eyes then continues her search.

When I reach the room by the end of the corridor, very soft sniffling could be heard accompanied by a comforting hushed voice.

"El!" I whisper-shout.

"What?" She replies.

"They're in here. I think we should let them be for now. Matt's doing a pretty decent job at comforting her. If we barge in now she might just start sobbing all over again."

She contemplates on the idea for a while but sighs afterward. A sign of her telling me that she begrudgingly agrees.

We both quietly make our way back to El's room ready to rant about everything when a soft knock disrupts the silence. It was so silent though, I almost thought it wasn't there at all.

"Did you hear that?"

"Was it coming from the door?"

We both give each other uneasy glances before simultaneously muttering "It better not be Jace" under our breaths.

I grip the door handle pull on it only to be met by the exact person we warned not to come back.

"Let me explain."


A/N: Drama drama dramaaaa! Nat looooves fight scenes so here. (YA HAPPY NOW, NAT?)

Anyways, have a good day everyone! ~Shayne

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