Chapter Five- Fuck a Fake Smile

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(Slight change to Ying's character

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(Slight change to Ying's character. I'm making her less Effie lol, we've already got enough of that in Madeline lol, so just imagine her as you will, but just not as intense as the other Capitol goers pls and thank you, love you)

Rose didn't have much time to breathe between the train and the Capitol, not that she expected herself to. She wasn't sure she'd ever be able to catch her breath ever again.

A crowd had gathered outside the train, Capitol members in vibrant colors stumbling over themselves to reach them. Their hands outstretched, fingers splade as if they could reach them.

Finnick and Madeline stood behind Callum and Rose at the open door of the train, Finnick standing so close that she could feel the heat of his chest behind her. A slight shift and she'd be pressed against him.

"Smile wider, princess. I guarantee everyone has tuned in to see you."

"No shit," Rose muttered through her own pearly grin. "I've been doing this longer than you, fishbrain."

"Fishbrain? What does that even mean?" Rose wasn't entirely sure herself, but it had sounded better in her brain. "Is that your fancy Capitol education coming in clutch?"

Rose deftly swiped her foot behind her, kicking him in the shin with her heel. Finnick grunted behind her before she suddenly felt his chest against her back, the warmth of his shirt seeping into her skin. She hadn't even realized how cold she was before Finnick was there, pushing it away.

Rose stiffened and Finnick's fingers gripped her waist before trailing upward to her shoulder. "Don't you dare move, princess," he murmured. She looked to her side to see him putting his arm around Callum, who leaned into him and Rose. Rose pressed her cheek against the top of his head, smelling the scent of ocean lingering in his sandy-blonde locks.

There was a collective crooning "aw" from the crowd and a rapid shuttering of cameras going off. Rose's cheeks felt as if they were going to fall off, they were throbbing so hard.

"A happy fucking family," Finnick said, his lips brushing her ear.

"Language!" Madeline snapped from her side of their little group-hug.

"Alright that's enough of that," Finnick muttered. He looped his arm through Rose's and sauntered off the platform, waving to the crowd, practically dragging Rose behind him. They walked into a door near the drop off station and Rose sucked in a desperate breath as soon as the doors swished shut. She also yanked her arm out of Finnicks as soon as she knew no one was watching.

"Don't touch me," Rose snarled, rubbing her palm against the space his arm had been. He eyed the movement, drawing his tongue along his lower lip, eyes narrowing. Usually she'd rub off people's touches if they made her skin crawl, now her skin felt just the opposite: like it was aflame or tingling with electricity. She wasn't sure she liked that feeling much better.

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