Origins of Olympus incorrect quotes

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(swear warning, drug mention, I got a lot of these from tumblr- )

waiter: "say when"


Waiter: "... sir that was an entire block of cheese-"

Nad: *leans in way too close* "go get another"


Riccaro: *sobbing uncontrollably* "I can't see you anymore, I won't let you hurt me again"

Xylo: "it was a sit-up"

Xylo: "you did one sit-up"


Davis: "I show love to my friends by gently bullying them"


Lychee: *high af* "have you guys every realized that telling someone your name is telling them what noise to make to get your attention"

Cal: *storming out* "its too fucking late for this shit- oh my gods"


Colin: "do you ever feel bugs on you when there are no bugs?" 

Austin: "those are the ghosts of the bugs you've killed"


Colin: *starts sobbing*

Seekah: "gods damn it- not again"


Mario: "its 2023! why can't I delete friends in real life?!"

Bryan: "you can, its called murder"


Cal: "on the bright side I'm not addicted to crack cocaine"

Cal: "on the down side I'm to poor to afford one"

Davis: *wheezing* "one crack cocaine"

Lychee: "hello, drug dealer, yes I would like to purchase one crack cocaine please"

Cal: "shut the fuck up-"


Kaykray: "enough feminist retellings where the princess saves herself from the dragon, I want a feminist retelling where the princess and dragon are con artists scamming the knights of the realm"

Momiji: "you mean Peach and Bowser?"

Kaykray: "I'm obsessed with the implications of this-"


Inpu: "fine, I'll say it, Nya-"

Magnus: *Fucking D E C K S him*


Set: *backed into a corner, holding a cross* "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"

Cal who has consumed enough caffeine to kill a horse: "Your worst nightmare


Inpu and Davis watching the news: "..."

the news: "a man has fought a koala in a local zoo"

Inpu: "oh holy shit"

Davis: "I wonder why they did that"

Cal walking in with his arms clawed up: "he probably had his reasons"


Davis: "what the fuck is wrong with you!?"

Cal: *bites KitKat sideways cause hes to tired to care*

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